2015 Annual Meeting
On November 4th 2015 the Oak Terrace Improvement Association will be holding the annual meeting of members at the Countryside Fire Station at 801 Midlothian Road at 7:00 pm This meeting is for the purpose of electing your Board of Directors and approval of the 2016 budget. In order to vote in the election you must be a member in “good standing”. This means you have to be up to date on your dues and other special assessments. Other Agenda items include insurance, completion of the Beach Park fencing project, routine maintenance of our greatest physical asset Diamond Lake and the continuation of a reserve fund as a yearly line item in our budget. There will also be a vote in an increase in yearly dues from $160 to $170. Additionally OTIA’s legal representative, Julie Jacobson attorney with the firm Kovitz, Shilfrin and Nesbit will be on hand to answer any questions regarding collecting of unpaid dues and legal matters of the neighborhood.
Leaf Burning
Autumn is upon us and all our neighborhood is a glow with beautiful reds, ambers, and orange leaves. Please be mindful of Lake County’s ordinances regarding yard waste. Burning curbside and on the road is against the law and will be enforced. Fires must be at least 20 feet from your property border. Fire or smoke must not create a hazard or nuisance situation. Be courteous and respectful to your neighbors especially those with br
Diamond Lake PreservationHey and Associates, hired by MPRD, is completing a lake management plan that will address invasive plant species and the general health of the lake. Using DNA testing, Diamond lake was found to contain Eurasian milfoil hybrid, which is more resistant resistant to current herbicide treatments. They did find this hybrid form of the plant in our lake concluding that our usual formula for treatment would be less effective than in the past. MPRD put the job out for bid, but the cost to treat the hybrid was coming back at about $20,000 to treat the entire lake. As this amount was not budgeted for 2015, the treatment will be budgeted for in 2016. The need for proper notice of lake treatments to lake residents will be emphasized in 2016. We will need to revisit this as a budgetary item in the next fiscal year. Another concern with the lake is the high nutrient levels that enter Diamond lake through storm sewers or surface runoff from adjacent areas. To view the lake management plan please go to the Diamond Lake Preservation Alliance website. |
New NeighborsOak Terrace welcomes new neighbors Saze Community Services to 26247 Maple Ave. This is a group home that will house up to 8 autistic individuals with 24 hour supervision. Please give them a warm welcome to our beautiful neighborhood. CongratulationsColleen and Mike Hodges of 26269 Maple welcomed a new grandson last week, Declan Hodges. Born 9 pounds 11 ounces and 20 inches long. |
eathing problems.