Oak Terrace Home Improvement Association
Board Meeting
October 3, 2012

The meeting was called to order by President Greg Denny at 7:06pm.  Board members present: Frank Cirrincione, Greg Zink, Greg Denny, Radu Roman, Jim Loring, Dan Griffin, Ramona Triebold, and Colleen Hodges.  Members at large present: William Yarborough.

A motion was made to accept the minutes by Greg Zink, seconded by Frank Cirrincione, and all were in favor.
Dan Griffin gave his treasurer’s report.  There was a correction to a previously stated expense reported.  The cost of tree trimming was $2,450 not the $1,600 previously reported.  Dan reported that Dave Garcia of DG Landscaping will not be raising the price of our park maintenance for the coming year. The total spent on maintenance of the parks was $8,164.  This amount included $2,450 for tree trimming. This left $5,714 for lawn expenses, which was below our budget projection for this expense. A conversation ensued about the cost of lawn maintenance at the parks and it was decided that Garcia was a good choice for our needs.  Dan also reported that, at present, we have a total of $10,630.22 in our account with some expense items pending.  A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Jim Loring and seconded by Colleen Hodges.  The motion passed.
Greg Denny brought up the fact that a budget meeting would need to be set in the next two weeks to prepare a budget for the November General Meeting.  Colleen volunteered to reserve the CFPD community room for the meeting.

There was a discussion about some items that need to be considered for the budget.  Many members felt that a reserve fund needed to be set up to handle high cost maintenance issues such as tree trimming and removal.  Some other items mentioned included the placement of rock Beach Park, dredging of the channel, and the steps at Lakeview Park.

Status of the CICA- A letter will be prepared to be sent to unit owners regarding the attaching of the PINs to the covenants and declaration at the county.  Included in this mailing will be a letter from the subdivision.  People in arears will be sent this letter by certified mail.  Greg Denny will email the draft of the letter to board members for possible revisions.

A letter was sent to residents with multiple lots possessing separate PINs.  Some were returned undeliverable.  Dan stated that there is a problem with some of the owner information being out of date.  An attempt is being made to find the most current information.  A question was raised about combining non-adjacent lots.  Non-adjacent lots are not able to be combined.  There was some discussion about residents abusing empty lots by using them to dump landscape waste and burning.  A call will be made to Diana O’Kelly regarding this situation.
Radu raised the question of how soon litigation will begin once the PINs are attached.  He also wondered about the cost of this process and if we will have the necessary funds to proceed.  He suggested beginning with the five owners owing the largest sums of money.  This is the process we have in place to begin.
Greg Denny brought up the need to put together a ballot for distribution before the November meeting.  Terms ending this year are: Greg Denny, Greg Zink, Ron Adikonis, Rich Rieck, Ramona Triebold.  Greg D., Greg Z., Ramona, and Rich will be running for office again.  William Yarborough has also agreed to run on this ballot.  Others will be added to the ballot if they display interest.  Frank Cirrincione and Emmanual Flores will be leaving the board as they are relocating.

For the November meeting, Diana O’Kelly, our attorney, and a representative from CFPD will be invited to address the residents answering questions and concerns.

Ramona brought up a letter received by some residents concerning Mundelein Park District’s decision to change “no wake” times on the lake.  The morning hours have been changed from 9:00am to 7:00am.  Ramona feels this will be a nuisance for lake front owners.  Greg Denny stated he had received an email, but did not pursue it as this is later than the “no wake” restriction on the portion of the lake owned by Oak Terrace.  It was suggested again that we have a representative at the park district meetings to try to begin to forge a relationship between the OTIA Board and the Mundelein Park District.

A motion was made by Rich to adjourn.  After a second by Jim and all in favor, the meeting adjourned at 8:36pm.
Respectfully submitted by Colleen Hodges in the absence of Secretary Emmanual Flores.