The October 5, 2022 OTIA meeting was held at the Countryside Fire Station.
Board members present were Ken Hohs, Nancy Krejsa, William Yarbrough, Ramona Triebold, Michael Denton, Kevin Shifley, Lisa Brickert, Steve Parker and via remote Rich Rieck.
Members at Large attending this meeting: Josh Hogan.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President, Ken Hohs. As there were no new members at the meeting no introductions were necessary.
A motion to both wave the reading of and approve the August 3, 2022 meeting minutes was made by Nancy Krejsa and seconded by Steve Parker. The motion passed.
- Discussion regarding who to invite to speak at the meeting included:
Diana O’Kelly – Fremont Township Supervisor
Alicia Dodd – Highway Commissioner
Ron Salski – Mundelein Park & Recreation District’s Executive Director
Lake Country Sheriff’s office – representative from Community Services Team
These potential speakers will be contacted and invited by Ken Hohs.
- Ballots for Board positions – ballots were mailed out with a copy of the budget for the 2022-2023 season and included 5 current board members seeking another term, but there is still one position available.
Volunteers of board members not running was requested to greet members at the door, check for eligibility in voting, provide and collect ballots and tally votes: Michael Denton and Steve Parker volunteered for the task.
William Yarbrough delivered the Treasurer’s report. As of September 30, 2022 OTIA had Operating Cash of $26,732.69, Cash in Reserves of $33,459.02 and $10,166.59 of Outstanding Accounts Receivables. Total Assets equaling $70,358.30.
A motion was made by Ramona Triebold to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and seconded by Nancy Krejsa. The motion passed.
Collections letter to those residents having a balance equaling more than one year’s dues (this entailed 16 letters) were mailed out in July. Thus far 2 accounts have been paid in full 2 account have been partially paid and 12 accounts have been referred to collections. Accounts referred to collections now also include legal fees incurred by the Association.
- Rich Rieck reported that the Oak Terrace sign at Lakeview Ave and 60/83 has been replaced.
- It was mentioned that a few rails at Hansen Park were hanging so Rich Rieck and Michael Denton volunteered to have a look and adjust them as needed.
Lisa Brickert reported that at total of $2,616.00 was spent which was a bit more than the $2,163.00 budgeted. Some of the reason was because of increased pricing, the needs will be reviewed for next year’s event to see if anything should be eliminated. It was thought by all that the band, jumpy house and having the event in the late afternoon/evening should remain for the future.
Rich Rieck obtained 2 quotes for installing LED area lights and furnishing and installing weatherproof mechanical timers for the new lighting at Lakeview Part and Beach Park. OTIA would be responsible for purchasing the 2 lights needed. This improvement is being done by the association as an effort to reduce electricity costs incurred by the old lighting and to establish safety at these 2 highly utilized parks. A motion was made by Rich Rieck to allocate a total of $1,550.00 for this work, motion was seconded by Ramona Triebold, and after discussion the motion passed.
- Despite delays due to bad weather and timing of residents wishing to utilize facilities, dead tree removal at Beach Park and Sunset Park and tree trimming at all the other parks has been completed.
- Continued discussion ensued regarding all of the weed growth at the property line at Lakeview Park and the neighboring resident. Rich Rieck volunteered to discuss with an expert as to how to deal with ridding the park of the invasive weeds. It was suggested perhaps having a more intense spring clean up of the area. There was also discussion regarding an old fence bordering the park. Rich to work on obtaining bids to cut out/remove weeds and topic will be discussed further once received.
- Regarding the sand on the beach at Beach Park, Rich will obtain a quote on removal of weeds either in the fall or spring. He will also look into the cost of 30 to 40 cubic yards of new sand for the beach for spring. It was suggested perhaps dumping the new sand early enough in the season when the ground was still frozen to minimize any damage to the park area.
- Discussion the possibility of having other OTIA events where residents run and individuals attending incur the expense ie Rib Fest (to be researched by Josh) Chili Dump (to be researched by Ramona) and possibly any other fun events to bring OTIA residents together.
- Revision of the Welcome Packet: Kevin Shifley to distribute the current packet to the board members for review and possible revisions/updates. Once updated it was recommended that a pdf copy of the packet be added to the OTIA website. Also, possibility of reprising the roles of “Block Captains” to assist in notifying when new residents move into the area, possibly dropping off a printing copy of the Welcome Packet, etc. This topic will be addressed again once the packet has been updated.
There being no further business before the Board, Michael Denton made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Nancy Krejsa seconded the motion. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:02pm.
The next OTIA meeting will be the Annual Meeting November 2nd at 7:00 pm at the Countryside Fire Station.
Respectfully submitted by Ramona Triebold, Secretary