The August 3, 2022 OTIA meeting was held at the Countryside Fire Station.
Board members present were Nancy Krejsa, William Yarbrough, Ramona Triebold, Michael Denton, Jeff Kehr, Kevin Shifley, Jim Harms and via remote Rich Rieck.
Members at Large attending this meeting: Paul and Denise Simmon, Laura Shifley and Chin Chin.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice President, Nancy Krejsa. Meeting was then initiated with an introduction of the Board members that were present.
- Resident, Denise Simmon, commented on how the weeds at the Beach Park sand area are taking over even though the landscapers cut it, in addition the rake is missing from the park. As this issue had already been discussed with Ken Hohs, he confirmed that he would discuss with the landscapers to rototill and add sand. Rich will look into a new rake.
- Resident, Laura Shifley, commented on the weeds at Lakeview Park were climbing over her fence and tangled in her arborvitaes. Landscapers will be contacted to get a quote to clean up the area.
There appears to be a new weed at the Shoreline of Lakeview Park so Rick with discuss with Clarke to see if invasive and needs to be removed.
A motion to both wave the reading of and approve the June1, 2022 meeting minutes was made by Jim Harms and seconded by Kevin Shifley. The motion passed.
William Yarbrough delivered the Treasurer’s report. As of June 30, 2022 OTIA had Operating Cash of $34,569.83, cash in Reserves of $38,168.90 and $15,173.97 of outstanding accounts receivables. Total assets equaling $87,912.70.
Statements to those residents having a balance were mailed out with the summer edition of the Acorn. Additionally, 14 collection letters were sent to residents who had balances greater than one year past due. Letters indicated residents had until end of August to settle and some of those have already been settled.
A motion was made by Ramona Triebold to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and seconded by Jim Harms. The motion passed.
Rich Rieck reported that insurance is handling the situation as a hit and run, the car that hit the sign was initially hit by another motorist, so therefore report is indicating they are not liable for our sign. A bid of $600 was given by Alonzo, a motion to accept this bid to repair the sign with presented by Rich Rieck and seconded by Jim Harms. The motion passed.
The count for attendance of 2022 OTIA Summerfest was 135. Once all the costs have been tallied Lisa Brickert (who was unable to attend the meeting) will present and then be discussed for next year’s event.
- The following needs to be done:
- Dead tree removal at Beach Park and stump grinding
- Dead tree removal at Sunset Park
- Lakeview Park and all other parks in need of tree trimming; Hansen Park will be excluded as trees are 30 feet from the main road so will be taken care of by Fremont.
Two Quotes were received, and motion was made by Kevin Shifley to accept the bid of $2,800 to perform this work, it was seconded by Michael Denton. Motion passed
2. Broken section of fence at Hansen Park was mentioned – Rich Rieck will look into the damage
3. Park Lights at Lakeview Park and Beach Park: Both of these lights are old sodium lights, and as the sensors appeared to be burnt out lights are running day and night and sometimes not even at night. Rich Rieck suggested switching to LED lights and then to switch them on at dusk, turn off time tbd. He will obtain quotes on replacing lights, material and labor involved and present at the next meeting.
Michael Denton read an email from our landscaper’s indicating a vehicle that has set at the edge of the street on Elmwood at the small park on the corner of Elmwood and Maple is causing issuing with them mowing and trimming. He asked if OTIA can assist in locating the owner and asking it to be moved. Unfortunately, after discussion it was determined that OTIA has no such jurisdiction and therefore could not assist.
As board elections are to take place at the November General Meeting, it was mentioned that residents should think about running for the board.
There being no further business before the Board, Kevin Shifley made a motion to adjourn the meeting and William Yarbrough seconded the motion. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 7:40pm.
The next OTIA meeting will be October 5, 2022at 7:00 pm at the Countryside Fire Station.
Respectfully submitted by Ramona Triebold, Secretary