Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association Annual General Meeting-November 4, 2015
The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by President Greg Denny.
President Denny gave instructions for voting. You must be a member in good standing, all dues and special assessments paid and up-to-date, to cast a ballot. Five of the eleven seats are open for the upcoming year.
President Denny introduced our guests starting with Lieutenant Ron Cielek of Countryside Fire Protection District. Lt. Cielek reviewed the open burning laws for our residents. The fire department asks that these rules are followed:
- No burning on public property, this includes the streets.
- Fire must be at least 25 feet from any structure.
- Only landscape waste gathered on your property may be burned.
- No burning of garbage or anything other than natural landscape materials, ie leaves.
- Call the fire department prior to burning to make sure it is safe and let them know it is a controlled burn.
- A water source must be available at the burn site.
Lt. Cielek shared that more detailed rules may be viewed on the fire department’s website: www.countrysidefire.com.
Bill Grinnell- Fremont Township Highway Commissioner, shared some of the improvements happening in the township including the building of a new garage for equipment storage and pickle ball courts at Behm Park that should be ready for next summer. He also spoke about road improvements at the intersection of Gilmer and Midlothian Roads. Commissioner Grinnell also reminded us to keep the roads clear for plowing this winter.
Chuck Bartels, our Lake County Board Representative gave us some information about the many services provided by Lake County for our residents including the Lake County Sheriff, the policing agent serving our community, Public Works Department, Planning and Zoning Department, and the Highway Department. More information is available on each of these services and what they can provide at www.lakecountyil.gov. He spoke about expansion plans for Route 53 and that there has been no further developments as the state does not have the funds to move forward at this time. Mr. Bartels publishes a newsletter via email that he encourages our residents to sign up to receive.
President Denny thanked our guests for joining us and for their service to our community.
Treasurer Dan Griffin presented our annual treasurer’s report to the residents. This report gives a summary of the years profit/loss and our current financial status. Currently there is $24,501.25 in all accounts.
Treasurer Griffin presented the proposed budget for 2016. This budget was distributed to the residents via US Mail prior to the meeting. The budget includes a $10 increase per PIN in our annual dues. This brings the dues to $170 per year for each PIN in our subdivision. Dan fielded questions from members about several line items and some discussion followed. He also shared that our pursuit of members in arrears on dues and special assessments has benefited the subdivision. A motion was made by Don Ferris to accept the budget for 2016. It was seconded by Kevin Shifley and the motion passed.
Greg Denny shared some information about the Diamond Lake Preservation Alliance’s work to improve and maintain the health of Diamond Lake. The organization meets the third Monday of the month, March through October, at 7:00pm, at Countryside Fire Station 1. They shared that the organization is working on educating residents around the lake about the use of toxic chemicals that drain into the lake causing damage. They are working with Mundelein Park and Recreation District to be sure that the lake is treated appropriately for invasive species and with Lake County to monitor the health of the lake. MPRD has contracted with Hay and Associates to develop a management plan for the lake treatment over the next several years. Greg asked any interested members to join them at the regular meetings and sign up for email updates.
New Business- Member Radu Roman brought up for discussion the need to curtail leaf burning in the subdivision. The discussion included a desire by some residents to find a unified garbage service that included leaf pick-up. Don Ferris made a motion to select one service company for garbage and leaf removal and to go with the lowest bid for all residents. Ken Hohs seconded. The motion carried. The Board will pursue this issue pending a decision on the legality of the Board contracting for group services.
Board member William Yarbrough reported the results of the election. The following officers will be included on the Board of Directors for the 2016 term
Greg Denny
Dan Griffin
Colleen Hodges
Jim Loring
Tracy Kleinschmidt
President Denny thanked the members for their participation in the election process. Krissy Snyder made a motion to adjourn. Kevin Shifley seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:33pm.
Respectfully submitted by Colleen Hodges-OTIA Secretary