The June 1, 2022 OTIA meeting was held at the Beach Park.

Board members present were Ken Hohs, William Yarbrough, Ramona Triebold, Michael Denton, Jeff Kehr, Lisa Brickert, Kevin Shifley, Steve Parker, Jim Harms and via remote Rich Rieck and Nancy Krejsa.

Members at Large attending this meeting:  Paul and Denise Simmon, Alex Gallegos, Robin Johnson, and Josh Hogan.

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President, Ken Hohs.


A motion to both wave the reading of and approve the April 6th, 2022 meeting minutes was made by Nancy Krejsa and seconded by Rich Rieck. The motion passed.


William Yarbrough delivered the Treasurer’s report. As of April 30, 2022 OTIA had Operating Cash of $33,535.56, cash in Reserves of $35,542.69 and $18,961.25 of outstanding accounts receivables. Total assets equaling $88,039.50.

Statements to those residents having a balance were mailed out.

Having all of the 2021 expenses accounted for, William presented that OTIA spent $30,171 and our budget for the year was $30,730 so we were under by $558.  Details of actual vs budgeted spending was then shared.

A motion to accept was made by Ramona Triebold to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and seconded by Jim Harms. The motion passed.

BROKEN OT SIGN, No Parking Signs, Fence Posts:

Based on discussions from the April meeting regarding removal of the “NO Parking Signs” at Hansen Park, Michael had reviewed the removal of the signs and noted:  one on Elmwood can be easily removed as it is attached to a fence post, the other is held by a lag bolt and the post is cemented into the ground, this one will be cut off at the surface of the ground to prevent any tripping. 

There are 4 fence posts at Hansen Park that are rotted and need to be replaced.  Alonzo who had replaced others for OTIA has quoted $110/each.  A motion was made by Ramona Triebold to go ahead and spend the funds to replace the posts, second was made by Steve Parker.  As the motion passed, Kevin volunteered to check into possible additional quotes and contract the work for replacement.

Rich Rieck reported that OTIA has filed a claim for the OTIA sign that was hit by a motorist,  he is now awaiting feedback from the adjuster.


The committee for Summerfest which will be Saturday, July 30th  is now headed by Lisa Brickert.  Ken will look into pricing to rent needs items Taylor Rental and Rich Rieck will do the same for the same vendor as last year that rented the inflatable bouncy house/slide.


Thus far 28 boat ramp keys have been sold for the 2022 season.  An additional resident has inquired regarding renting a boat slip.  As Slips 1 and 2 are in too shallow of water to house a boat, and Slip 5 is too narrow to accommodate a boat lift, and new Slip 14 was recommended.  The motion for the new slip on the west side of the pier was made by Kevin Shifley, second made by Steve Parker and vote passed.  Ken will notify resident of decision.


The Portapotty that OTIA provides at the Beach Park had increased in price of $10/month, however, Ken was able to get the delivery fee of $65 waived so pricing for year evened out.

Discussion ensued regarding the trash can at the bottom of the hill at Lakeview Park.  It was confirmed that during the summer months, our landscaper would empty this can along with the usual lawn care services.


It was noted that a new sign is needed for the bridge entering the OTIA channel.  Kevin volunteered to look into a reasonable replacement.


Resident, Dave Gnadt, who usually volunteers his time to put in OTIA swim bouys was unable to do so for the season before he left town.  A plea went out to have a fee volunteers to perform this task.  Steve volunteered to head the effort and Kevin, Jeff and Michael volunteered to assist.  These needed to be in place to designate our swimming area by Monday in order for our beach park to be approved for our swim permit at the Beach Park.

There being no further business before the Board, Ramona Triebold made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Kevin Shifley seconded the motion.  The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm.

The next OTIA meeting will be August 3, 2022 at 7:00 pm. the venue to be determined.

Respectfully submitted by Ramona Triebold, Secretary