Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association Board Meeting- April 1, 2015

Board Members present: Dan Griffin, Greg Denny, Tracy Kleinschmidt, Al
Johnsonbaugh, Jeff Keske, Ramona Triebold, William Yarbrough, Kevin Shifley, and
Jim Loring.

Members At Large present: Jessica Rattanasena, Michele Sunny, Alfonso Contreras,
Gloria Gonzalez

The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by Greg Denny.

A motion was made by Ramona to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Jim
seconded and All were in favor. The Motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Dan reported progress in collections. The current dues of 118 of 185
properties have been collected, as well as $603.50 in late fees. Dan was unsure offhand
what the $34.51 Park Improvements, Beach Park was and would report back to the
Board. Dan detailed the Professional Fees for two account collections that went to
evictions. Dan reported Total Income at $8111.28 and Total Expenses at $427.98, for a
Net Income of $7675.89 for the month of March. Balance of all accounts, $33,211.30.
Kevin motioned to accept Treasurer’s Report. Jim seconded and All were in favor. The
Motion carried.

Lake Issues: Tracy recapped the March 16 meeting and noted an excellent turnout. Hey
and Associates are making an assessment based on available information and will
recommend a management plan in time for the next lake treatment. Overall the response
was positive. Next month, an alternate vendor will give a 15 minute presentation on
micro bubbling technology. The next meeting will be held at the Countryside Fire Station
on Monday, April 20, 2015 at 7pm.

Parks: Al reported that trash cans were still upside down. Dan noted a missing lid and
suggested that an additional can and lids be purchased. Greg suggested a wired receptacle
to compost washed up lake weed. Dan confirmed that Dave Garcia sent a landscaping
contract costing $160 week. Greg will try to pull up snow fencing later in the week. Dan
and Al discussed different folding sign options for posting beach closures. Greg
suggested that the signs be bought and installed by the next meeting.

Restoration Areas: Jim reminded the board that there was no vote last month on the bids
for restoration of the three parks, specifically because of the outstanding billing issue
with ILM. Dan confirmed that a new invoice was sent by ILM and that the association
will pay. A member at large questioned what the money was for and Jim explained that it
was for the continuing restoration of wetlands and rain gardens in the parks. Another
member at large expressed concern about dead trees and Jim recapped past tree removal
within the scope of the association’s responsibilities. Jim expressed confidence that
ILM’s bid of $1440 was acceptable and that ILM also offered a two year contract
extension at a 2% increase each year. Dan noted that additional burns would be necessary
and invoiced separately. Jim also shared his communications with the owner of the
apartments along Diamond Lake Rd about encroachment on the wetlands. The wood
chips were from a fly dumper and someone else was spreading it. The apartment owner is
willing to cooperate with the association to prevent further fly dumping. Returning to the
restoration contracts, Jim stated that each visit would be invoiced separately, a total of 4
times each year. A member at large questioned the 2% annual increase. Jim motioned to
accept ILM bid. Dan seconded and All were in favor. The Motion carried.

Legal Issues: Greg shared an update on two collection efforts that progressed to notice of
possession and eviction. The first member paid off $3000 immediately. The second
members offered the bulk of money immediately and a payment plan for the remaining
balance. Dan remarked on the time and effort Greg invests to collect back dues. A
member at large expressed their dissatisfaction with the dues requirement, and also the
nature and structure of the association itself. Dan gave a brief history of the association
and of members’ responsibilities. Tracy invited feedback on how the association could
better communicate to the community and encouraged members at large to become more
involved. A brief discussion of the newsletter ensued and a member at large commented
on the recent announcement that the newsletter would be going electronic noting that not
every member has a computer. There was a general agreement by the board that the
newsletter was in error and that members still had the option of a physical delivery, but
board members also noted that past deliveries were not entirely compliant with postal

Website: Greg noted that there are no minutes from the last couple months’ meetings
posted on the website and that some members at large have questioned whether the
website’s banner image is of Diamond Lake at all.

Events: Ramona reported on the upcoming Easter Parade and Egg Hunt. Prizes will be
given for the best decorated bicycle and woman’s Easter bonnet. Participating parents are
expected to donate the value of the eggs and candy their children to offset the costs to the
association. A member at large thanked Ramona for organizing the event for the

New Business: Boat slip rentals. Greg noted that the pier at Beach Park had half
occupancy last year and that two spots were rented to non-residents. Dan expressed
interest in renting out to non-residents as an official policy to retire the pier debt sooner
and emailed the association’s insurance representative for guidance. The agent responded
that it was okay as long as rentals were not open to the general public and that non-
residents were sponsored by a member. There followed a general discussion regarding
sponsoring members status, precedence of members over non-residents, cut off times,
parking, fobs and fob deposits, length of rental, fees, size of boats, the necessity of lifts,
etc. Greg refocused the conversation observing that there were two motions to be made,
should the association rent to non-residents and, if so, the specific terms of rental. Dan
motioned to rent out boat slips to non-residents sponsored by members in good standing.
Jim seconded. Dan, Greg, Al, and Jim were in favor. Tracy, Jeff, Ramona, William, and
Kevin were not in favor. The Motion failed.

Ramona reminded the board of the Annual Spring Cleanup. Greg’s suggested Saturday,
April 25th , with Saturday, May 2nd as a Rain Date. These dates were met with general
acceptance by the board and members at large.

Dan motioned to adjourn the meeting. Kevin seconded the motion and All were in favor.
Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned by 8:20pm.