All rules posted at Beach Park will be enforced.
One key fob is available to each household in the Oak Terrace Improvement Association in good standing. To be in good standing, the homeowner must be current with all payments, including annual dues and special assessments, due to the Association. Homeowners will be charged $25 to replace a lost key fob.
1. The key fob is not to be lent out, transferred or misused in any way. The fob is for the personal use of the homeowner, other household members, and their guests. Each homeowner must report the loss, theft, or malfunction of the key fob immediately to a board member.
2. At least one member of every group entering Beach Park must carry a cell phone for emergency purposes, as the Association does not provide a phone in the park.
3. Littering is prohibited. In addition, no food, drink, gum, or tobacco is allowed in the water. Glass containers, of any kind, are prohibited throughout Beach Park.
4. Persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible person 16 years of age or older.
5. No one should swim alone.
6. All children who are not toilet-trained shall wear tight fitting rubber or plastic pants. Special diapers made for swimming are allowed.
7. Diving in shallow water is not permitted. Caution shall be exercised in the use of any diving platforms including, but not limited to, rafts, piers, docks, and seawalls.
8. No pets are allowed in the beach area.
9. Swimming is prohibited after sunset or before sunrise, or when lightning is present, including a 15-minute period after the last lightning is observed.
10. Admission to the beach may be refused to all persons having any contagious disease, infectious condition, or any other condition having the appearance of being contagious.
11. A person under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or exhibiting erratic behavior shall not be permitted in the beach area.
12. Feeding of wildlife or other actions that encourage their presence is prohibited.
13. Personal conduct at Beach Park must be such that safety is never jeopardized.
14. There is no lifeguard on duty.
15. Proper attire is required at all times at Beach Park.
16. The lake water is not suitable for drinking.
17. Beach Park is only intended for the use of members of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association, in good standing, and their invited guests. The owner of the key fob is responsible for any and all actions of family members and guests entering Beach Park using their fob.
Anyone violating these rules may lose their right to use Beach Park.