Minutes from the Board of Directors Meeting of OTIA-March 1, 2017
Board members present-Kevin Shifley, Colleen Hodges, Dan Griffin, Greg Denny, Ken Hohs, Tracy Kleinschmidt, and Alfonso Contreras.
Member at large present- Jim Snyder.
Ken Hohs made a motion to accept the minutes as recorded. Kevin Shifley seconded and the motion passed.
Treasurer William Yarbrough was not in attendance at this meeting. President Greg Denny distributed the treasurer’s report in William’s absence. It was reviewed by the board. No action was taken.
Issues with a property on Oak Street were discussed. The owner is using the lot to store fill removed from a property in West Shore Park. Diana O’Kelly and Chuck Bartels have been contacted. The county has let the owner know that he cannot store this material on this lot. He will need to remove it or be fined. He will also need to make the necessary repairs to the street caused by the truck carrying the material. We will stay on top of this situation until it is resolved.
April 8, 2017 has been set aside for a subdivision clean up date. We will meet at Beach Park at 9:00am.
A letter will be sent to home owners on Oak Shores Drive to inform them they are not allowed to dump landscape waste in the bin at Lakeview Park.
Jim Snyder addressed the members about the plans IDOT has made for the overpass on Route 60/83. He voiced his concerns about the noise pollution, and other issues this overpass will cause for Oak Terrace. He estimates the overpass to be at least 25 feet high and that it will reduce property values for the entire subdivision. He had comment forms available for residents to send to IDOT regarding the project. This project is expected to be approved this summer, but is not presently on the state’s five year plan. Jim feels it is very important to begin educating residents on the impact this overpass will have on our quality of life and property values.
There being no further business before the board, Ken made a motion to adjourn. Kevin seconded and the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 7:51pm.