Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association Board Meeting-April 4, 2018
Board members present: William Yarbrough, Jim Loring, Dan Griffin, Colleen Hodges, Alfonso Contreras, Tracy Kleinschimdt, Kevin Shifley, and Jill Bates.
Members at Large present: Ken and Elaine Hohs.
The meeting was called to order by President Greg Denny at 7:02pm.
Greg asked for comments or questions form our members and Ken Hohs asked for clarification on the decision to allow only Board members to handle money for the OTIA. Greg explained that the decision to allow Ken, as a non-Board member, to handle the boat ramp keys, fobs, and boat slip rentals, was questioned by a Board member concerning the legality of this policy. Our attorneys felt it was not a good policy to allow non-Board members to handle money for the association, but referred us to our insurance company. The follow up with the insurance company agreed with the attorney’s assessment that all monies should be handled by a Board member in order to maintain the integrity of our insurance policy that protects Board members. Tracy Kleinschmidt made a motion to honor our choice made in December to allow Ken to handle these matters. There was no second on this motion. The Board will continue to further clarify this policy for future situations. Dan Griffin offered to take over the boat ramp keys, fobs, and boat slip rental. Jim Loring made a motion to have Dan handle this job. Tracy Kleinschmidt seconded. The motion passed. The residents will be informed of this in a second mailing of dues notices.
William Yarbrough made a motion to accept the minutes of the last meeting with one change. Jim Loring seconded and the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report- William reported that as of February 2018 there was a total of $27,060.69 in all accounts. We have outstanding receivables in the amount of $47,069.20. This would be bring our total assets to $74,729.89.
Alfonso Contreras made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Jim seconded and the motion passed.
Lake/Watershed Issues- Tracy Kleinschmidt shared that there will be a DLPA meeting on April 16th, location to be determined, regarding the lake and another in September hosted by Tori Trauscht. These meetings will focus on the lake user manual being developed for shareholders. Tori has a rough copy, but it is still in the editing phase.
Parks- The Easter Parade and Hunt was a great success even in the rain. Thanks to Tracy for organizing this year’s event. Hansen Park and Lakeview Park fences are leaning and in need of some maintenance. We will ask Dave Garcia if his crew would be able to shore them up.
Restorations Areas- Jim reported that the areas are currently dormant, but we need to schedule burns for both Hansen and Lakeview Parks. He will get some quotes from companies to handle these burns. Jim shared that ILM comes out 4 times a year for routine maintenance and at those times they also do some planting.
New Business-
Community and Connecting with Residents- We currently have an active Facebook page, Oak Terrace Neighbors, and an Instagram page, Oak Terrace Neighbors. Kevin Shifley will be our communications director and will be setting up a shared drive for Board members to use for sharing documents. We also will be looking into installing another community message board in the subdivision. These steps will evolve over time to keep our membership better informed.
Kevin attended the Route 60 Corridor meeting and shared some information with those present. Several Mundelein officials were present along with developers, and residents. The developers were interested in the residents’ opinions about how best to develop the commercial area vacated by Menards and Hobby Lobby in Oak Creek Plaza. Several ideas were mentioned including entertainment, restaurants, arts center, and child care facility. The Mayor of Mundelein said that their board would be looking over these options and will present their recommendations at their July meeting.
Dan Griffin shared that the path leading from the trailer park to Elmwood is filled with a great deal of trash. As this property is owned by Fremont Township and the trailer park, Greg has volunteered to contact Bill Grinnell to pursue the possibility of installing a heavy duty garbage can at that location.
Colleen Hodges brought up the need to begin work on Summerfest. The date was determined to be Saturday, August 4, 2018. Further details will be discussed at the May meeting.
There being no further business before the Board, Tracy made a motion to adjourn. Kevin seconded and the motion passed.
The meeting adjourned at 8:18pm.
Respectfully submitted by Colleen Hodges-Secretary OTIA