Oak Terrace Home Improvement Association
Board Meeting
Countryside Fire Station
August 01, 2012

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7:11 pm with the following Board Members in attendance: Jim Loring, Dan Griffin, Gregg Zink, Greg Denny, Colleen Hodges, Radu Roman, Richard Reick, Frank Cirrincione, and Emmanuel Flores.
Also present were the following association members: Jody Matza, William Yarbrough, Ray and Ann Sipowicz, Dina Lepczynski, and K. Marquardt.
Minutes from Last Meeting

Board member, Emmanuel Flores, read the minutes from the last Board meeting on July 02, 2012, Radu Roman motioned to accept the minutes; Greg Denny second the motion. There was a unanimous vote by all present to accept the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report (Dan Griffin)

Presented Balance sheet (Profit & Loss) to Secretary (Emmanuel Flores).

Itemized Association expenses and income.

New life ring was purchased for $125.00

Paid for the electric services of Scott Nelson at Beach Park

Speed bumps paid by Fremont Township

Colleen Hodges motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Richard Reick second the motion. All in favor.

Old Business

CICA status
Draft Amended and Restated
Copies of Declaration shown to all Board Members present
No changes to Declaration since April Board Meeting, only exception was changes required by CICA (the act itself).

Jim Loring motioned to accept the Declaration, Dan Griffin second the motion, unanimous vote, all in favor.
Radu Roman pointed out that in pages 8&9 of the Declaration, it did not clearly state the changes made to the Declaration allowing the Association to collect past dues.
Greg Denny stated the specific language is stated in the act (CICA) itself.
Radu Roman further pointed out that the Declaration did not list the ability of the association to “take over” a delinquent property, Radu then located in page #1 of the Declaration, in which it specifically refers to CICA.

Summer Fest Status
Lunch starts at 1P
Boat race at 3p

Storage Unit
Greg Denny rented unit
First month is free
Not climate controlled
Secured self storage

Association Documents
All historical documents scanned, Greg Denny hired a young lady to do all the scanning.
Radu Roman volunteered to properly label all scanned documents.

New Business

a. Asian Mill Foil in Lake
Radu Roman spoke with Margaret from the Mundelein Park District; he was informed the park district had all ready treated their portion of the lake against the Asian Mill Foil.
Can re-root through fragmentation
Can be treated with herbicide, its approximately $25,000 per year to treat the entire lake, requires 2-3 years of treatment.
Need unified approach
Needs urgency

b. Natural Rock Sea Wall
Rich Reick will get a quote

c. Spalone property on Hickory
Owners received invoices from Association; they sent payment for principle amount owed without late fees, along with letter to Association indicating receipt of payment voids late fees and payments in arrears.
Referred to attorney
Attorney responded with letter
Spalone contacted Attorney

d. Absentee Board Members
Greg Zink motioned to send letter notifying of a vote to remove absentee members, those whom have missed three consecutive meetings. Jim Loring second the motion. All in favor.

At 9:12p, Colleen Hodges motioned to adjourn the meeting, Dan Griffin second the motion, all in favor.