Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association Board Meeting-December 6, 2017

Board members present: William Yarbrough, Colleen Hodges, Greg Denny, Tracy Kleinschmidt, Kevin Shifley, Ramona Triebold, and Jim Loring.

Members at Large present: Ken Hohs.

The officers were presented to the membership as follows:

President- Greg Denny
Vice President- Tracy Kleinschmidt
Secretary- Colleen Hodges
Treasurer- William Yarbrough

The meeting was called to order by President Greg Denny at 7:05pm.

Greg asked for any comments from the membership.  Ken Hohs brought up the slalom course and no wake buoys for discussion.  He asked that we get definitive clarification from our attorney as to whether or not we have the authority to regulate equipment being installed on community owned property.  Greg Denny will relay this question to our attorney and have an answer at the February meeting.

Minutes- William Yarbrough made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes and accept them as corrected.  Ramona Triebold seconded and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report-  William reported a balance of $27,749.29 in all accounts with a total of $23,262.70 outstanding.  This totals $51,011.99 in total assets for the association.  We received a payment of $3,000 in dues owed the association in October.  Some discussion ensued as to the best way to maximize the boat slip rental within the subdivision.  It was suggested that the rental be added to the dues invoice as an option.  There was a discussion about the abandoned boat lift in one of the slips.  The owner/s have been contacted and claim no ownership.  The lift will be removed in the spring with volunteers.  William reported that the cost to keep the emergency phone at the beach has gone up to $112 per month.  We need to explore other options.  It was suggested that a notice of the interest charged on unpaid dues and the 90 day grace period be noted on our invoice going forward.  It was also suggested that our invoice be printed in English on one side Spanish on the other to ensure all our members understand the billing.  William will ask Canty if this is possible.  Jim Loring made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report.  Ramona seconded and the motion passed.

Lake Issues-  Tracy Kleinschmidt shared that the last two DLPA meetings have been very contentious and that the leadership is evaluating how to move forward with the group.  She feels that we are at an impasse and there is no longer any value to the meetings.  She also shared her concern for the OTIA after reflection on the annual meeting that had very low attendance.  She feels we do not have a good outreach program that is reaching our members and connect with our community.  We are failing in the area of communication.  She feels we would best serve the community by creating some committees dedicated to improving on these issues.  She reiterated the fact that all Board members need to be involved.  Also important is that the subdivision newsletter, The Acorn, be revived.  She asked that we come to the meeting in February with ideas about becoming a greater presence in the community.

Parks- The snow fence needs to be installed at Lakeview Park.  Arrangements with volunteers will be made for installation.

Restoration Areas- Jim stated that a burn is necessary to maintain our restoration areas.  We will need to involve the Countryside Fire Department in this process.  We need more help with maintaining these areas.  Jim and Greg did a cleanup in October, but others need to get involved.

New Business-  Ken Hohs volunteered to handle boat ramp key and slip rentals going forward.

Ramona will reach out to Ann Sipowicz for The Acorn template.  Kevin will be providing some options for a the display board we will install in the subdivision for the dissemination of information.  Kevin will also be trying to create some central document sharing program for us to use and create a presence for us on Instagram.  Tracy will be contacting Dina to change the administration of our Facebook page.

There being no further business before the Board, William Yarbrough made a motion to adjourn.  Jim Loring seconded and the meeting adjourned at 7:58pm.

Respectfully submitted by Colleen Hodges- OTIA Secretary