Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association-July 9, 2014

The meeting was called to order by President Greg Denny at 7:04pm.

Board members present: Jim Loring, Al Johnsonbaugh, Tracy Kleinschmidt, Greg Denny, Dina Lepczynski, Dan Griffin, and Colleen Hodges.  Don Faris was the only member at large present.

Minutes of the June meeting had been distributed in advance.  No changes were made.

Treasurer Dan Griffin reported a total of $29,549.62 in all accounts.

Committee reports:

Garage Sale-Dina reported that the garage sale was a success.  Several members participated and there was a good volume of traffic in the subdivision.  Members liked the third weekend in June as the date.

Summerfest (August 2, 2014)-Dina reported that plans for Summerfest are being finalized.  Food is ordered.  We will be using the same caterer as last year.  She has ordered food for 110 people, as more residents attended last year than anticipated.  The food will be served between specified hours, but the grills will remain at the park for members’ use throughout the day.  Members would need to provide their own food to grill after the food service has ended.  All rentals are secured and will be delivered the morning of the fest.  She will need volunteers to help set up and clean up at Beach Park on the day of the event.  There will be a fishing derby, cardboard boat race, snow cone machine, face painter, and balloon animals again this year.  We will also be holding a raffle again this year.  Colleen will handle the raffle.  A flyer with more information and raffle tickets will be distributed to each home before the picnic.

Lake-Greg and Tracy reported on a plan to set up a lake committee that will include stakeholders from around the lake.  They are looking for people willing to educate themselves on the lake and its issues and want to be involved in protecting the lake as a valuable resource.  They will have information available at Summerfest for residents to consider.  It was mentioned that there seems to be a resurgence of milfoil after the treatment.  Greg will have it checked out.

Parks-Al reported that he met at Lakeview Park with Dave Garcia and Bill Grinnell.  They agreed that without proper care, drainage there would become a problem.   It was decided that riprap would need to be laid in the drainage area to avoid further erosion.  Bill said that Fremont Township would provide the stone free of charge and install it at the site.  They estimate it will take between 12 and 15 tons of riprap to control the area properly.  It was added that once installed, there will be ways to soften the look of the stone in the park.  Landscape fabric will be needed to prevent the growth of weeds in this area.  Garcia will provide the fabric free of charge.  As was previously voted on, we accepted DG Hardscapes’ bid to remove the stairway and restore the hill.  Work will begin at the end of July.  Dave was also asked to remove the large pile of weeds in the park.

It was reported that parking at the beach has been a problem.  Al will contact Bill Grinnell about the possibility of installing ‘No Parking” signs at the beach to control parking near the boat ramp.

Jim reported on the restoration of the wetlands and rain gardens at Lakeview, Hansen, and the end of the channel.  Due to the high volume of rain, weeds are rampant.  ILM will be working in these areas to restore balance and maintain them in accordance to our grant.  He also reported that 124 new native grass plugs have been planted at Hansen Park east of the split rail fence.  It was asked that it be reported in the Acorn that removing plants from these protected areas is illegal and anyone doing so will be reported to the police.

Greg reported that two properties in Oak Terrace are going into order of possession for nonpayment of dues.  He will update as events unfold.

A letter was received by the OTIA Board from board member Rich Rieck stating that due to his work schedule, he is unable to attend meetings and therefore will be resigning from the board.  Jim Loring made a motion to accept the resignation of member Rich Rieck with thanks for his years of service to the community.  Dina Lepczynski seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Jim Loring made a motion to adjourn and Dina Lepczynski seconded.  The motion passed and the meeting adjourned at 8:08pm.