Oak Terrace Improvement Association – March 1, 2023 Meeting Minutes

The March 1, 2023 OTIA meeting was held remote.

Board members present on call were Ken Hohs, William Yarbrough, Ramona Triebold, Michael Denton, Kevin Shifley, Lisa Brickert, Steve Parker, Rich Rieck, Jeff Kehr and Ron Butterman.

Members at Large attending this meeting: Josh Hogan, Laura Shifley

The meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by President, Ken Hohs.

As there were no new members at the meeting no introductions were necessary.


A motion to both wave the reading of and approve the October 5th, 2022 meeting minutes was made by Rich Rieck and seconded by Kevin Shifley. The motion passed.


William Yarbrough delivered the Treasurer’s report. As of January 31st, 2023 OTIA had Operating Cash of $17,003.48, Cash in Reserves of $42,756.10 and $31,337.82 of Outstanding Accounts Receivables. Total Assets equaling $91,349.57 (252.17 to go to reserves).

Accounts Receivable balance consists of:

            $4,049.70 legal fees to be reimbursed

            $6,040.85 past assessments due

            $21,247.28 2023 assessments due

A motion was made by Ramona Triebold to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and seconded by Steve Parker. The motion passed.


Of the 11 accounts that were earmarked for Collections:  6 have been paid in full, 2 have been partially paid and 3 are pending eviction lawsuit.  Accounts referred to collections now also include legal fees incurred by the Association referenced in Treasurer Report.


The date for residents to swap out and pay for new boat ramp keys will be Saturday, May 6th. President, Ken Hohs, will be at the Beach Park from 10 to noon take care of this in addition to accepting payment for boat slips.  2022 ramp keys will still work until the lock is changed over on May 6th.


Rich Rieck, Steve Parker and Michel Denton will work together to obtain measurements of the gate opening at the beach park to see what size truck will fit to deliver new sand as well as area of beach area to obtain quotes for quantity of sand needed.  For the weeds in the beach area, Steve Parker with work with our landscaper to see if they can be removed before new sand is placed.


Discussion ensued regarding the large number of weeds along the property line of Lakeview Park and the neighboring property owned by Laura Shifley.  In order to speak to the OTIA landscaper regarding removal of the weeds, a Plat of Survey for the private property was requested.


It was brought to the attention of the board by a resident regarding uptick in neighborhood crimes.  A request was made why the residents were not notified when incidents occur.  It was determined that as the board does not have themselves to actual data regarding crimes, it is really not in their scope.  It is suggested that residents subscribe to County and Mundelein alerts to receive more up to date and accurate information.


Board determined it is better to wait until winter is over to determine what repairs are needed.  A goal was set to have the bouys and swim raft out by Memorial Day weekend.

Conversation did ensue regarding the large amounts of goose poop on the swim raft over the summer so Rich Rieck volunteered to look into possible solutions for the next meeting.

A proposal was submitted to the board president by Clark regarding lake treatment for 2023.  As there is a Diamond Lake Management Meeting on Tuesday, March 21st at the Regent Center, the board will see what is discussed regarding lake treatment at that time.


Winter Acorn will be created and sent along with statements to OTIA residents around March 15th.


  1. Discussion regarding a possible Easter Egg Hunt was discussed and Kevin Shifley will reach out to resident Tracy Kleinschmidt the possibility of chairing the event this year as she had done this in the prior year.
  2. Update of Facebook page is needed and Kevin Shifley will look into doing this task.

There being no further business before the Board, Ramona Triebold made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Ron Butterman seconded the motion.  The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 7:53pm.

The next OTIA meeting will be the May 3rd at 7:00 pm at the Countryside Fire Station unless weather is nice enough to hold at Beach Park (this will be officially announced as meeting date gets closer)

Respectfully submitted by Ramona Triebold, Secretary