Oak Terrace Home Improvement Association
Board Meeting
Countryside Fire Station
March 07, 2012

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm with the following Board Members in attendance: Radu Roman, Jim Loring, Dan Griffin, Gregg Zink, Greg Denny, Colleen Hodges, Frank Cirrincione, Emmanuel Flores, Ken Krejsa, Ron Aidikonis.
Minutes from Last Meeting

Board secretary, Emmanuel Flores read the minutes from the last board meeting on February 01, 2012, board member Colleen Hodges motioned to accept the minutes, Greg Denny second the motion.

Treasurer’s Report (Dan Griffin)

Presented Balance sheet to Secretary (Emmanuel Flores).
Itemized Association expenses and income.
Approximately $44,330 owed in delinquent/past association dues my members.
Radu inquired if attorney fees will be recoverable, if legal action was taken against delinquent association members, Dan stated it would.
Ron Aidikonis motioned to accept the Treasurer’s report, Frank Cirrincione second the motion. All in favor.

New Business

a. President (Greg Denny) advised the law firm of Kovitz, Shifrin, and Nesbit were retained for $450.00.
Other law firms were quoted and Kovitz, Shifrin, and Nesbit were within the price range of other firms.
Will draft Declaration for price of retainer.
Resolution of Board of Directors has to be voted on by Board and given notice to Association.
Board to vote next meeting on April 04, 2012
Declaration provides the ability to evict residents not paying dues.
Dues will be attached to pin numbers.
Amended and Restated Declaration re-states non-discretionary powers of the Board.
Board is to review and proof read 1st draft of Amended and Restated Declaration
$450 monthly retainer covers four drafts of discretionary powers for the Board.
Radu inquired if the Association had declared itself a Condominium Association. Greg Denny stated the Association is a Common Interest Association.
-Radu stated the 1st Draft of the Declaration referred to a Condo Association and there is a need for clarification due to the differences in association types.
Radu proposed a two week deadline for the review of the 1st draft of the Declaration by Board members.
Ken Krejsa suggested moving the deadline for the input of Board members, in order to abide by the 10 day notice to the Association.
The use of the Association website to be used as a public area to post notices and to abide by Section “E” on page #2 of the Declaration will be inquired to the attorney.

b. Important Dates:
Easter Day Parade, April 07, 2012 at 11:00a.m
Spring Clean Up, April 29, 2012, meeting at Beach Park
Community Garage Sale, tentative May 19, 2012
Summer Fest, August 11, 2012 meeting at Beach Park
General Meeting, November 07, 2012

c. Letters to Paid Association Members
To include Oak Terrace stickers
Notice that boat launch keys will be available by March 17
d. Second Notice received by Department of Health
Association requires having a phone available at Beach Park for emergency purposes.
Association requires having a public toilet available at Beach Park.

e. Current delinquent accounts that need addressing.
Frank Cirrincione motioned not to charge interest to owners who have past dues, but never received notice. Provide a 30 day grace period to pay in full back dues, or accrue interest after the 30 day grace period in addition to penalties. Unanimous vote to approve.
Treasurer (Dan Griffin) advised resident Robert Saupanich requested the Board to waive late fees to his delinquent dues. Ken Krejsa motioned to follow normal collection procedures and reject Mr. Saupanich’s request. Unanimous vote.
Treasurer (Dan Griffin) advised resident Gloria Gonzalez requested a payment plan and has not made additional payments since entering into payment plan. A letter from the Board to be sent reminding her of payment plan or void the agreement.
Secretary (Emmanuel Flores) inquired about Senior Discounts applied to Association Dues. President (Greg Denny) advised it was illegal to keep providing discounts to any residents. Association Dues are tied to property pin numbers, the potential for additional dues to be collected exists. Suggested lowering everyone’s dues instead of providing discounts.

At 8:52p, Ken Krejsa motioned to adjourn the meeting, Colleen Hodges second the motion