Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association Board Meeting-May 2, 2018

Board Members present-Kevin Shifley, Dan Griffin, Tracy Kleinschmidt, Greg Denny, William Yarbrough, Colleen Hodges, and Ramona Triebold.

Members at Large present-Ken Hohs and Richard Rieck

The meeting was called to order by President Greg Denny at 7:19pm

Minutes-William Yarbrough made a motion to accept the minutes as reported.  Dan Griffin seconded and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report-William reported $74,523.63 in total assets.  He further reported that we have an  outstanding balance of $40,816.73 in accounts receivable.  Ramona Triebold made motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented.  Tracy Kleinschmidt seconded and the motion passed.


Lake-Tracy shared that there would be a meeting of the Diamond Lake Preservation Association on Monday, May 21st, location to be determined.  There would be another in the fall.  Guests invited to speak would included someone of Lake County and Storm Water Management, Tori Trauscht, the editor of the Lake Manual, and someone from the company hired to spray the lake.  A great deal of information will be disseminated at this meeting and all stakeholders are encouraged to attend.  Notice of the meeting will be sent out by Margaret Resnick of MPRD and Tracy.

Restoration Areas-Jim Loring, Chairman, was not able to attend this meeting.  Greg reported that we are still under contract with ILM for service to these areas.  He asked that members spend some time picking up trash in the restoration areas over the next few weeks if possible.  Kevin shared that he and Jim Snyder had cleaned up Weich Park and would handle that are again this year.  Tracy also shared that she had done some work in this area and will gather some residents to tackle more areas.

New Business-

Kevin will be checking on the organization’s not-for-profit status in the hopes of getting a better deal on setting up a Google drive for the Board.

It was suggested that an email go out to residents regarding an open houses at Diamond Lake Beach on June 16th when residents may enter the beach for no charge and enjoy a day at the beach including a water show.

Summerfest will be held Saturday, August 4th.  Colleen Hodges and Dan Griffin will be working on this event in the preliminary stages.

There was some concerned about an abandoned house at the corner of Maple and Elmwood.  Residents have seen foxes on the property.

There being no further business before the Board, William made a motion to adjourn.  Tracy seconded the motion and meeting adjourned at 7:53pm.