Oak Terrace Home Improvement Association
Board Meeting
Countryside Fire Station
February 01, 2012

Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm with the following Board Members in attendance: Radu Roman, Jim Loring, Dan Griffin, Gregg Zink, Greg Denny, Colleen Hodges, Frank Cirrincione, Emmanuel Flores.
Minutes from Last Meeting

Board secretary, Emmanuel Flores read the minutes from the last board meeting on December 07, 2011, board member Frank Cirrincione motioned to accept the minutes, Colleen Hodges second the motion.

Treasurer’s Report (Dan Griffin)

Association dues mailed out, mailing included information on Common Association Act.
Dave Frost was hired to cut down trees at Baseball field, paid $1,000.00

New Business

a. Review of President’s meeting (Greg Denny) with Association Attorney

Clarification of the need for a Association Declaration. States the powers of the Association Board to regulate and enforce association policies.
Non-discretionary powers, i.e., the ability to collect dues.
Discretionary powers, i.e., ability to create rules for the parks.
Attorney suggested the creation of two documents:
-to compile and record existing association board powers
-request of new authority
West Shore homeowner’s association had 11 re-writes of Declaration
Attorney presented three options for retainer to draft and legalize Declaration.
Attorney is currently researching property pins and association boundaries.

At approximately 8:15p, the Board entered into an Executive Session, minutes recorded on a separate entry. At approximately 8:30p, the Board returned to regular session.

Frank made a motion to look at other law firms and get additional information from the Association Board of West Shore Park in reference to their steps to create a Declaration. In addition, Frank asked for Radu to write up a draft of a Declaration and wait an additional month for Radu to create the draft. Dan second the motion.

b. Discretionary Powers of the Board
Adds power to the Board to avoid further governmental involvement
Provides the community an option to resolve and regulate the community within its own means.
Radu stated that Lake County already had regulations to address issues being discussed by the board.

c. Common Properties
Board has discretionary powers over lake and parks.

d. Rental and Sub-divided homes
Dan expressed that as a Board, we (Board) are to regulate common property, not private property.
All present, with the dissent of Radu, wanted the Board to have the power to regulate the use of single family homes.

e. Business activities in residences
Dan stated, as long as we (Board) follow Lake County laws/ordinances, the Board should have the discretionary power as one further measure to discourage violations of county ordinances.

Lake Meeting
A multi-agency meeting to develop a committee to address the needs of the Diamond Lake and its water ways.
On February 16th, at 3 p.m.

Key Fobs
Rich Reich will issue out key fobs to association members.
All will be notified via the Acorn (News Letter) and website.

At 9:12p, Colleen motioned to adjourn the meeting, Jim Loring second the motion