Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association- August 5, 2020
Board members present: Ken Hohs, Nancy Krejsa, William Yarbrough, Ramona Triebold, Kevin Shifley, Katie Eaman, Greg Denny, Rich Rieck. Jeff Kehr and James Harms.
Thank you to the following Members at large: Josh Hogan, Lisa Brickert, Paul and Denise Simmon, Larry Barber, Amanda Welle, Amanda Kulanda and Nicholas Sechesan.
The meeting was called to order at 6:35pm by President, Ken Hohs.
The reading of the June 3, 2020 meeting minutes was waved. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Nancy Krejsa, Ken Hohs seconded the motion and the motion passed.
William Yarbrough delivered the Treasurer’s report: As of May 31st, we have $29,680 in Operating Funds, $35,713 in cash and $15,168 in accounts receivable, leaving us with total assets of $80,561. A motion was made by Ramona Triebold to approve the report, second was made by Nancy Krejsa and it was approved. William stated that due to the Covid, future collections of dues were still on hold. A new bill had arrived for the annual swimming area with an annual fee of $223.00. Bill payment was made in accordance with the due date but will be noted for next year’s budget and funds were paid from the reserve. Motion to approve the Treasurer’ Report was made by Ramona Triebold, seconded by Nancy Krejsa and passed.
Issue of non-residents at the OTIA Beach Park was brought up. It is considered an issue as rules are not being observed, when residential status is questioned they are sometimes being rude and combative. In addition they are parking in areas clearly marked “NO PARKING”. The area in front of the beach park is left open to accommodate residents launching water vehicles. As it has been observed that some are climbing the fence, or at one point there had been an issue with the door not locking, the following had been suggested:
a) replacement of new hinges on the door (which had been completed by Rich Rieck)
b) replacement of the Plexiglas that used to extend over the water on the launch side of the ramp but had been removed (Rich Rieck to take care of this)
c) adding additional fence sections on the channel side of the park (Ken Hohs to secure estimate for this).
d) If individual refuses to remove vehicle from NO PARKING area call non-emergency Lake County and have them ticketed.
The subject of turning Oak Terrace into a golf cart community was presented and discussed. Currently it is illegal to drive a golf cart on a public street. Comment was presented that West Shore has an ordinance enabling use of golf cars in their community. An application to the Highway Commissioner would need to be created, along with a $450 one-time fee. New signage would need to be posted indication Oak Terrace as “Golf Cart Friendly” to warn motorists traveling through the neighborhood. It was suggested that the Neighborhood watch signs be removed as they are faded and replaced with the new signage. Ramona Triebold made a motion to spend up to $600 from the reserve to accommodate this action, it was
seconded by Jim Harms and passed. Ken Hohs will work with the commissioner on obtaining the ordinance and buying necessary signage. It was noted that the commissioner had volunteered assistance in putting up the signs on the existing posts at no cost to OTIA.
Suggestions were taken regarding Capital Improvements in the neighborhood to be funded with the Cash Reserves. The following ideas were discussed and individuals volunteering to look into expenses, feasibility, etc:
1) New signage for bridge on entrance to channel is rusted and faded. Kevin Shifley volunteered to chair and get ideas and estimates for its replacement.
2) Hansen Park signage is missing: Kevin Shifley to see about getting new sign to match other parks.
3) Hansen Park and Lakeview Park split rail fencing is rotting and falling apart. Ken Hohs to looks into how much would be needed to replace all necessary fencing and get estimates.
4) Lakeview Park – removal of dead tree. Ken Hohs to get estimate for removal.
5) Hansen Park: a naturistic area for playing was posed. Katie Eaman to look at recommendations for that area and cost.
6) Lakeview Park: look into a rain garden in the corner where the benches are currently sitting to assist with run off. Katie Eaman to look into design and cost (suggested she contact Tori to see if there is still available grant monies or to just to get suggestions).
7) Lakeview Park – suggested replacing some of the trees that had been previously removed as they were dead. Nancy Krejsa to get quotes for replacements.
8) Beach Park – the picnic tables are in bad need of repair. Kevin Shifley to look into purchasing a couple new ones that are heavy to now be removed easily and made of a material that is low maintenance.
9) Hanson Park – idea was brought up of building a small dog run as there is no area for them to run at any of the OTIA parks. Josh Hogan volunteered to look into designing, obtaining pricing on fencing and permits needed for
this project.
10) Seawall at Sunset Park and Beach Park – add riprap or river rock to reduce wear and tear on the lake, seawall and the shoreline. Rich Rieck to look in to bids and permits required as county had changed rules for this type of border in the lake.
1) OTIA was notified by the commissioner that our neighbors in the Townhouse community west of Weich Park will be having paving done and will be parking along Lakeview Ave in from of Lakeview Park the week of
August 9th.
2) As elections are coming up, an email will go out looking to see if there is interest to be on the board for the next 2 year term.
3) Amanda Welle presented the question as to if there was a leash ordinance for unincorporated Lake County and if so, did anyone know what it was. There have been several cases where individuals are walking their dogs through Oak Terrace without a leash and have attacked. As no one had any knowledge, Amanda will look into this and report back to OTIA.
There being no further business before the Board, William Yarbrough made a motion to adjourn. Jim Harms seconded and the motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.
The next meeting will be October 7, 2020 at a location TBD.
Respectfully submitted – Ramona Triebold, OTIA Secretary