Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association Board Meeting-October 4, 2017
Board members present: Ken Hohs, Ramona Triebold, Jim Loring, Greg Denny, Colleen Hodges, Dan Griffin, and Alfonso Contreras.
Members at large present: Rich Rieck and Louie Triebold.
Meeting called to order by President Greg Denny at 7:00pm.
General discussion about the high school fishing derby that took place on Diamond Lake. Some residents reported the participants were casting onto boats and piers. There was concerns about the damage this could do to boats and lawn furniture. Some of the participants were rude when asked, by residents, to stop these actions. Ken Hohs called Stevenson High School to lodge a complaint. No further action was taken.
The minutes of the September meeting were distributed to members. Ken made a motion to approve the minutes. Jim Loring seconded and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report-Treasurer William Yarbrough was not present, but sent the report via email. It was noted that the income for boat slips and boat launch keys was not included. Dan Griffin made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Alfonso Contreras seconded and the motion passed.
Restoration Areas-Jim reported that he had a quote from Sawvell to remove the dead cottonwood at Lakeview Park. Dan made a motion to accept this bid. Ramona Triebold seconded and the motion passed.
New Business- There was a discussion on the slalom course anchored on Oak Terrace Property. Our attorneys and insurance company advised that the course be insured for $1,000,000 for each occurrence, $2,000,000 general liability. They advise that OTIA be named on the policy to protect residents in the case of an accident. The course being anchored on OTIA communally owned property, puts members at risk for potential lawsuits. Ken and Rich Rieck currently maintain the course, but said it was originally owned and installed by the Diamond Lake Ski Club, which no longer exists. The Oak Terrace Improvement Association does not own the equipment used to establish the slalom course. Ramona asked if the course would be covered under our current policy if the association chose to take ownership of the course. Ken also questioned the association’s right to place buoys at the end of the slalom course on OTIA property. Greg Denny will contact our attorneys for clarification on our rights, as elected representatives of the common property owners of OTIA, to place the buoys and for clarification on the liabilities of the slalom course and possible actions to reduce this risk.
There being no further business before the Board, Dan Griffin made a motion to adjourn. Ramona seconded and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:10pm.
Respectfully submitted by Colleen Hodges, OTIA Secretary