Minutes from the OTIA Board Meeting 2/6/2013
Meeting called to order by president Greg Denny at 7:01pm.
Board members present: Greg Denny, Greg Zink, Radu Roman, Jim Loring, Dan Griffin, Ramona Triebold, Al Johnsonbaugh, William Yarborough, Frank Cirrincione, and Colleen Hodges.
The minutes from the 12/5/2012 meeting were read. A motion to accept was made by Greg Zink and seconded by Jim Loring. The motion passed.
The treasurer’s report given by Dan Griffin included the receipt of some back dues and interest. The total net for the OTIA was $943.99, resulting in a total of $10,882.35 in all accounts. Dan also reported that we would be issuing invoices for dues and other fees within the next week. Ramona asked that there be a note explaining again that the invoices are attached to the PINs. Dan agreed to do this. A motion was made by Radu Roman to accept the treasurer’s report, and seconded by Jim Loring. The motion passed.
Dan reported that currently we have past due accounts that total $33,920. This year, we will bill 186 PINs for our current dues, $150, for a total due to the OTIA of $27,750.
Greg Denny brought up some legal issues that need to be resolved involving the billing by PINs. The outfield property at Hansen Park, owned by the Mundelein Park and Recreation District, is leased to the OTIA for $1 per year. There was a discussion on how to handle this situation. One suggestion was that we pay $150 per year for leasing the property and then invoice MPRD $150 for the dues. Another issue is Weich Park also owned by MPRD, but within the OTIA subdivision. It was suggested that we could work this out with MPRD. There were some concerns about property the trailer park owns in the OTIA stretching between the trailer park and Elmwood Street. There is also a trail there about 15 feet wide owned by Fremont Township. This is an old trail that allowed access to the lake. It is currently used by school children for the purpose of catching the school bus. The trailer park has property on each side of this trail. In conversation with Bill Grinnell, he stated that the township could withdraw from the trail property and it would become property owned by the OTIA. We would then be responsible for maintenance of the property which is often littered with garbage. Greg Denny will pursue answers from our attorney, Julie Jacobson, for the best handling of these issues.
Radu Roman asked if the bank owned property had the opportunity to combine PINs. Greg Denny reported that the banks received the same letter other property owners received. He further stated he used whatever name the county had listed as the owner for the property.
Greg Denny reported that he has followed up with our attorney, Julie, regarding the next step in collection of dues. She suggested a letter from the OTIA for those owing less than $400. She also wanted to know how many properties owned by banks owe under $300. She feels they will pay quickly. Some discussion followed on the purpose and effectiveness of another letter from the OTIA, as we had sent several over years, to no avail. Dan and Greg Denny both reported none of the residents in arrears have reached out to set up payment plans. The most recent letter sent by the OTIA stated that we would begin legal action if accounts were not made current by February, 2013. Dan Griffin expressed some concern that we are not moving ahead quickly enough. Greg Denny stated that the delay was due to the need to make sure we gave the attorneys the correct PINs and owners for our declaration and covenants to be attached. The attorney says the next step is to issue 30 Day Notice letters to the top 5-10 in arrears. This is the precursor to filing suit. More discussion ensued and the feeling of the board was to begin proceedings as soon as possible. Frank Cirrincione made a motion to ask Julie to begin legal action on the owners of properties carrying the top 5 outstanding balances. Ramona Triebold seconded the motion. Motion passed. The board feels that collection from these owners will fund the processing of the next round of legal action.
There was some discussion on a property on Oak Street that is arrears. The property is owned by Daniel Kroll, but his father-in-law, Ron Siegel is living in the home. Ron began payments to bring the property current, and made payments as follows:
October 21, 2012 $250
November 21, 2012 $150
December 1, 2012 $150
December 18, 2012 $150
He is currently still approximately $500 in arrears including $376 in interest and late fees and $140 in principle. Dan offered him an option to pay $200 and the rest of the outstanding amount would be forgiven. As of this meeting, we have not received this check.
We were updated by Greg Zink on the OTIA website. It will have several tabs including weather, history, and a facebook link. The website address is Oakterrace.com. The site will be used to keep members current on happenings in Oak Terrace. Radu is in the process of going through all of the historical materials that have been archived for entering on the website. The minutes and treasurer’s reports will also be available on the site. Dan asked that the bill for the upkeep of the site be sent directly to him.
The subject of putting a split rail fence at the triangle of property at the corner of Elmwood, Hickory, and Lakeview was discussed. Bill Grinnell has said that his department will do it. We need to check on permits necessary for this process to begin. Dan Griffin made a motion to allow up to $500 to put up split rail fencing at this location. Frank Cirrincione seconded. Motion passed.
Greg Denny did pursue the possibility of the OTIA adopting the portion of Diamond Lake Road that runs along Oak Terrace for the purpose of keeping it clean. There is currently a group acting in this capacity until 2014. At that time we would be able to take over the job.
Greg Denny reported that he will be setting up a meeting for those interested in what is happening to Diamond Lake. He will forward information onto subdivision residents as soon as he has it available.
There being no further business, Frank Cirrincione made a motion to adjourn at 8:22pm. Radu Roman seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted February 18, 2013, by Colleen C. Hodges, secretary