Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association
December 4, 2019
Board members present: Ramona Triebold, Ken Hohs, Nancy Krejsa, Kevin Shifley, William Yarbrough, Katie Eaman, James Harms, Alfonso Contreras and Jeff Kehr. Members at large present: Anne Contreras.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by President Ken Hohs An introduction was made by each board member. October 2019 meeting minutes were then read by Ramona Triebold, Secretary. Upon completion a motion to approve the minutes as read was made by Nancy Krejsa. Ken Hohs seconded the motion and the motion passed. William Yarbrough delivered the Treasurer’s report: As of October 31st, we have $44,838.63 in all accounts and $14,260.57 in accounts receivable, leaving us with total assets of $59,099.20. William stated that statements are to go out in December in accordance to the bylaws, but discussion ensued and the board felt it would be good to send them out in January with the first issue of the Acorn for 2020. The question was brought up if we needed to change the contact name/phone number on the statements as it is currently Ken Hohs, but he offered to once again be responsible for launch keys/monies collected; fobs for the beach and boat slips and should be contacted at [email protected] in event he is unavailable. Ken reported that there were approximately 38 ramp keys and 10 beach fobs distributed to residents this past year. Boat slip rentals were up to 7 or 8 total. To ensure that statements are received by the appropriate homeowners, William has been working with Cantey to amend pin addresses based on property sales and correspondence received. William will also share the new list with Katie Eaman for the address labels on the mailing of the Acorn. Kevin Shifley made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Nancy Krejsa seconded and the motion passed.
Ken Hohs suggested that the board once again reduce the amount of meeting dates for the 2020 year as we will be in accordance with our bylaws which indicate we need to meet at a minimum quarterly. The following meeting dates were decided (all to still be on the 1st Wednesday of the month): February 5, 2020; April 1, 2020; June 3, 2020; August 5, 2020; October 7, 2020; November 4, 2020*; December 2, 2020. *this will be our Annual Meeting. According to our bylaws, Annual Meetings are to be held the 1st Thursday of the month. Ken will reach out to our lawyers to confirm holding it on the 1st Wednesday of the month as all of our other meetings can be changed. In an effort to have Oak Terrace activities calendar set for 2020 in order to give residents ample time to participate, the following has been decided: Snowman Building is TBD as it is dependent on the weather; Easter Parade will be April 11th as Easter is on April 12th; Spring Cleanup will be weekend of April 18/19 to coincide with Earth Day; Oak Terrace Community Garage Sale with be weekend of May 16/17; Summerfest will be July 11th with details to follow; Turkey Trot will be November 27th.
Nancy brought up how other associations are charging for all of the paperwork (Paid Assessment Letter, 22.1 Disclosure-OTIA assets, and updated statement) that is required and requested from the association for property closings. Upon discussion Nancy made a motion to charge $50 to mortgage companies for these closing paperwork requests; the decision was then tabled until Ken could consult with our lawyers and how this fee could be introduced, billed and enforced.
Ken Hohs made a motion to update the FOB key system. Discussion ensued regarding the gate sometimes being unable to be locked, concern that residents have moved and not returned fobs, etc. Kevin seconded the motion for need to update the FOB key system and Katie seconded. Ken put together a proposal for the update and present at the next meeting for discussion and vote.
Though we do have Rich Rieck as our Parks and Maintenance Committee Head, it was suggested that as an additional initiative we form a Neighborhood Conservation sub-Committee to continue with the lake and park preservations. Discussion will continue at next meeting.
Kevin Shifley reported on the single waste hauler bids that had been received by Fremont Township. As bids are due no later than November 7, 2019, the township had only received 2 bids: Groot and Lakeshore (the proposed bids had been passed on to the Oak Terrace community via our email). Waste Management decided not to bid based on the requirements set forth and the 4th waste hauler did not show up for the mandatory meeting. Currently there is a negotiation of leaf pickup as it is anticipated that there will be a county wide ban on the burning of leaves. Diana O’Kelly is reviewing the bids submitted and hopes to have a single waste hauler in place for Fremont Township by April 2020.
Kevin brought up the discussion of gmail usage for all of the OTIA board members for sharing of emails, information, documents, etc. This would enable storage out on the gmail drive cloud. There is also an option so that all Oak Terrace documents can be centrally stored and accessed by the board members as needed. With the team drive, everyone on the board would have their own gmail account and this would give them access to the OTIA drive, when they are not longer on the board, their email can be deselected so that they no longer have access. As of right now, this appears to be a costly option as it is $6/person per month. With our current option we only have 12gb of storage available so review would need to be done to see what should be saved out on our cloud. Nancy volunteered to look into some website options for information storage and Kevin will continue to look at gmail options for the future. As of right now, all board members will have access to log in to the Oakterraceneighbors account with one uniform password, at the start of each new term, a new password will be created and distributed to the new board members.
There being no further business before the Board, Kevin Shifley made a motion to adjourn, William Yarbrough seconded and the motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:27 pm.
Respectfully submitted – Ramona Triebold, OTIA Secretary