Minutes of the OTIA Board – April 3, 2019
Board members present: Jill Bates, Ken Hohs, Kevin Shifley, Richard Rieck, Nancy Krejsa, Tracy Kleinschmidt, William Yarbrough, Greg Denny, and Colleen Hodges.
Members at large present: Katie Eaman, Ken Krejsa, and Robin Johnson.
President Tracy Kleinschmidt called the meeting to order at 7:01pm. She then asked for comments from the gallery. Kara Lambert, representing the Garcia family of Hickory, addressed the Board concerning the financial status of the property. After hearing her concerns, we tabled the discussion for executive session.
Member Robin Johnson shared her concern about the insurance coverage of the slalom course anchored to Lot 1. Tracy stated that the coverage including the Oak Terrace Improvement Association on Richard Rieck’s and Ken Hohs’s homeowners’ insurance policies has been considered adequate to protect the homeowners in the case of an accident.
Minutes- The Board received the minutes by email. Nancy Krejsa made a motion to accept the minutes with the correction of misspelled names. Kevin Shifley seconded and the motion passed.
Board Member Round Table
Greg Denny- participated in the clean up
Jill Bates-pass
William Yarbrough-handled the financial matters for the subdivision. William suggested we do a quarterly mailing through USPS with statements, including ramp keys and boat slips. It could also include the current Acorn and other information. The next mailing will include a request for email addresses.
Tracy Kleinschmidt-particpated in the clean up, met with a resident on Oak to welcome them to the neighborhood and answer questions, worked with Greg and William on the transition.
Colleen Hodges-organized and disbursed the minutes, participated in the clean up, and worked on the Easter celebration.
Nancy Krejsa-worked updating the website, working to handle issues with the domain, and coordinating resident communication methods. Also working on a reinvention of the directory.
Rich Rieck-pass
Ken Hohs-purchased new boat ramp keys and is handling the beach fobs and boat slips. Ken will coordinate with Nancy to rewrite the boat slip rules to create a more complete document. They will distribute the new agreement to the Board for review. He is also sorting out who has rented which boat slips to better track our rentals. Ken Krejsa suggested that we adopt a new policy where renters pay for the upcoming season of boat slip rental before the end of the current season. The fence at the beach has shifted and some repair will need to be made in order for the gate to function properly. Ken will handle this for the subdivision. Also noted, the community board at the beach has a gap at the bottom of the structure that must be repaired or replaced.
Kevin Shifley-particpated in the subdivision clean up and will check on the OTIA adopting Route 60/83 between Maple and Oak Shores through the state road adoption program. Kevin has kept things current on our social media and asks anyone with pictures they would like to share of the subdivision to forward them to him for posting. He has also worked on a welcome packet for new residents. Kevin also suggested we update the sign on the bridge over the channel.
Waste Hauler Consolidation-Kevin and Ken are representing Oak Terrace in the effort to consolidate waste services for unincorporated Fremont Township. They are working with Diana O’Kelly to find the most cost effective and best service for our area. Kevin attended a preliminary meeting on the issue. As this was approved by a majority of the voters in the township, a contract will be signed and no resident will be able to opt out of this agreement. They hope to have a new contract in place by October of this year. They are looking for single pass options where one truck comes through the subdivision and removes waste and recycling at the same time. Yard waste would be an extra trip. In terms of wear on roads, one garbage truck is equal to 13,000 cars. The hope is to reduce this damaging effect. This agreement will not include business waste. They are looking to incorporate a senior rate and varying size can options. The county is considering a ban on leaf burning and landscape waste will still be an extra cost.
Treasurer’s Report-William reported that as of 2/28/2019 total cash in all accounts was $42,276.07 which included approximately $17,000 in dues. We currently have accounts receivable at $34,992.75 outstanding, which gives us total assets of $77,268.82. Canty has changed the process of paying vendors where they will pay them directly after William signs off on an expense. This will cut time of payment and make the process more efficient. AT&T have raised the prices again for the emergency phone at the beach. William will follow up with the health department to clarify the requirements for providing an emergency phone. Ken has offered to help with this process.
Ken Hohs made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and Nancy Krejsa seconded. The motion passed.
Greg Denny has been in contact with Dave Gnadt with regard to the swim buoys. Dave feels that several of the buoys and ropes need to be replaced. He has estimates at about $1,600 to replace the entire set. Rich will contact some of his contacts in marine retail and see if he can get a better deal. He will also check out the buoys and let us know via email if they need replacing. Dave will again install the buoys in the swim area for the subdivision.
Ken Krejsa shared information he gathered at the Village of Mundelein meeting about the new developments at the north end of Diamond Lake. He stated the village plans on allowing a contractor to build high rise condominiums on the lake shore. He believes this is the wrong choice for the lake. He asked the Board to review the current proposed plans and the new plan that he has developed for the area. There is an opportunity for public comment concerning this long ranging project on the village website.
Tracy has received a letter of resignation from board member Jim Loring. Jim has been on the Board for several years and she thanked him for his service. Katie Eaman of Lakeview will replace Jim on the Board for the remainder of his term until November 2019.
Ken Hohs has spoken to the county about the runoff of silt from the new construction on Diamond Lake near Bill’s Pub and has had no satisfactory response. Tracy will reach out to Diana O’Kelly and the Lake County Health Department and Ken will contact Jessica Vealitzek of the Lake County Board for help with this issue which is affecting the lake.
Community Garage Sale May 18th and 19th– Colleen Hodges will make sure the sale is listed on local Facebook pages and that there are signs posted on Route 60/83 and Diamond Lake Road. The sale will run from 9am to 3pm each day. All residents are encouraged to participate.
The Easter Parade and Hunt will be held at 10am on Saturday, April 20th . We will gather at Hansen Park. Contact Tracy with questions.
Summerfest will take place on June 22, 2019 at Beach Park. More details to follow. Contact Colleen with questions.
Front Porch Friday hosted by the Kleinschmidts will take place on Friday, May 24th, from 5-6:30pm.
There being no other business before the Board, a motion was made by Tracy to adjourn. William seconded and the meeting adjourned at 8:17. The Board went into executive session following the board meeting.
Respectfully submitted by Colleen Hodges-OTIA Secretary