Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association Board July 18, 2018
Board members present: Jim Loring, Tracy Kleinschmidt, Jill Bates, Dan Griffin, William Yarbrough, Kevin Shifley, Colleen Hodges, Ramona Triebold, Alfonso Contreras, and Greg Denny.
Members at large present: Rocky Kleinschmidt and Katie Eammon. Also present, attorney Amy Peterselli, of KSN.
The meeting was called to order at 7:06pm by President Greg Denny.
A motion was made by Tracy Kleinschmidt to dispense with the reading of the minutes and accept them as reported. Jill Bates seconded and the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report- William reported that as of June 30, 2018, OTIA had a total of $72,501.14 in total assets including $45,746.91 in all accounts and 26,754.23 in accounts receivable. He stated that approximately 77% percent of our residents are up-to-date in payment of dues and assessments. Currently, there are 13 PINs that are 1 year in arrears, 4 that are 2 years, and 6 that are 3 years. The top five residents owing back dues and assessments account for over $14,000 in accounts receivable. He found that some PINs had issues with the addresses and he has worked to correct that problem. He also reported that this year, we have 8 boat slips rented and that by next fiscal year the pier will be paid in full. William began a dialogue about earmarking future slip rental fees for upkeep and repair of the pier and to cover the cost of insuring the structure. He suggested the same use for boat ramp key income. This item will be discussed in the budget meeting. Ramona Triebold made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Jim Loring seconded and the motion carried.
Lake Issues-Tracy reported that no treatment has been needed on the lake so far this year. Given the lake conditions, it is likely that we will have a blue-green algae bloom at some point. Blue-green algae is toxic and we will need to warn residents to stay out of the water if/when this occurs. She shared that Lake County has stated that many lakes in our area are experiencing the same lake conditions we are at this time. Tracy continued with a discussion about lake usage. She shared concerns of lakefront residents about users not following the time and no wake guidelines. We need to clearly establish and publish rules for the lake including times for use, noise levels, and what plans there are to enforce lake rules. We will need to coordinate with MPRD for enforcement of rules on their portion of the lake in hopes that it will cut down problems on Oak Terrace’s portion. Tracy also mentioned that the slalom course poses a hazard in winter for snowmobilers and can be a liability in summer. These are issues we must address to minimize liability and keep the lake safe and enjoyable for all our members.
Parks-Dan Griffin reported that work had begun with the removal of debris at the corner of Lakeview, Hickory, and Elmwood. He has planted grass seed and the area is being prepared for the installation of a community message board which has been ordered. He also shared that there is a young oak tree being crowded out by other non-desirable trees at this location and he will get a quote to remove the smaller trees to allow the oak to flourish. Dan is currently looking for someone to repair and paint the benches at our parks as they need some maintenance. Tracy mentioned that the lawn area of Beach Park is in need of weed treatment. Dan will follow up with Dave Garcia about the possibility of spreading a water safe weed treatment at that park.
Restoration Areas-Jim Loring reported that ILM has assessed all the restoration areas and some maintenance is needed. They treated the areas approximately one week ago. They also recommend treatment for woody invasives. A burn is recommended for both Hansen and Lakeview parks. Currently, there are invasive cattails and daylilies at both locations. Jim shared that some dominant species, including those mentioned above, are threatening the restoration areas and they need to be dealt with soon. There are many native plants established and thriving in these areas, also. Jim will get some bids on burns for both parks and have them ready for our budget meeting.
Social Media and Communication-Kevin Shifley is hoping that the new community message board will be delivered and installed soon. He reminds us that we are active on Instagram, Facebook, and at www.oakterrace.org. Kevin has offered to communicate with our webmaster to work on keeping the site up-to-date.
At 7:48pm, the Board excused all non-board members and entered executive session.
At 8:24pm, the Board ended the executive session and continued with the regular meeting of the Board.
Summerfest-Colleen Hodges reported that all preparations for the fest are ordered including rentals from Taylor Rental, food from Tekampe Pig Roasts, and a portable restroom from Crown Rentals. She will purchase other food and preparation items before the event. Dan will be responsible for procuring the corn from Country Bumpkin. A flyer was distributed to block captains and other volunteers that will be delivered to residents. The flyer will also be sent to our webmaster for posting on our website. Tracy has arranged for a face painter/balloon artist to entertain the children at the fest. We have earmarked up to $250 of the budget for this purpose. Help will be needed on the day of the event.
New Business-Kevin brought up the need to begin working on our budget earlier than previous years for the purpose of being well-prepared for our November General Meeting. He asked that we check our schedules and be prepared to set a date for the meeting at our August 1st Board meeting.
There being no further business before the Board, Ramona made a motion to adjourn. William seconded and the motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:31pm.
Respectfully submitted by Colleen Hodges-OTIA Board Secretary