Minutes of the Oak Terrace Board Meeting-June 6, 2018
Board members present: Jill Bates, Dan Griffin, Colleen Hodges, Greg Denny, Keven Shifley, Alfonso Contreras, William Yarbrough, and Tracy Kleinschmidt. Also present was an attorney from Kovitz, Shiffrin, Nesbit.
Members at large present: Joanne Matza
The meeting was called to order by President Greg Denny at 7:04pm.
A motion was made by Kevin Shifley to pass the minutes at reported. William Yarbrough seconded and the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report-William reported a balance of $37,647.80 in all accounts with $34,418.26 outstanding in accounts receivable. This gives us total assets of $72,066.06. Dan Griffin made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Jill Bates seconded and the motion passed.
Legal-Discussion tabled for executive session.
Lake Issues-Tracy reported that a productive meeting of the Diamond Lake Preservation Alliance included information shared by Tori Trauscht, a representative from Clark, the company that services the lake for plant maintenance, and Holly Kim, local politician. Mapping the lake for invasive species was discussed and we learned that the first mapping showed no significant plant growth. June 1st, another survey was completed and the results are not in yet. This will determine the action that will be taken to control native species in the lake. Tori updated us on the lake management guide she is developing and shared some of the maps she is adding to the guide. There will be one more meeting of the DLPA this year in the fall.
Greg added that the water is currently turbid and quite cloudy. He has seen some curly leaf and lily pads, but still far too few plants.
Parks-Dan surveyed the parks and reported that two benches and two picnic tables are in need of repair and painting. At Sunset Park, the walkway needs work and mulch left from tree removal is necessary. More landscape work will need to be done there, too. Total cost for work at Sunset Park would be $165.00 Lakeview Park is in need of debris removal and mulch placement around trees to stop landscapers from hitting and damaging the trees during routine maintenance. It also needs some soil and seeding. The total cost for work at Lakeview Park would be $210.00. Dan also shared that some residents have been asking for sand to be replaced at the beach. He got a quote for 22 tons of sand to be delivered for $950 with an additional $250.00 to go to the bench and table repair. Tracy made a motion to fund these park maintenance projects. Jill seconded and the motion passed.
Social Media-Kevin is posting pictures from the subdivision regularly on Instagram. He is trying to get some sort of posting at least once a week. Please send him any pictures that you would like to share.
Kevin also reported on the progress of a possible Team Drive for the Board to use to share documents and correspondence. It would be a Cloud based tool that we would use to view documents digitally. We would have to have a Google email. This process would allow us to limit the users. Alternatively, we could just use the Oak Terrace Neighbors email, but this would not allow us to end users if we chose to do so. More discussion is needed on this topic.
Kevin presented on the topic of the community boards for the purpose of disseminating information. He suggested installing a two-sided board at the parcel owned by Fremont Township at the corner of Lakeview, Elmwood, and Hickory for high visibility. He also suggests repairing or removing the bench already there, trimming the tree, and adding landscaping on the parcel. He made a motion to purchase the signs and begin the work with the cost not to exceed the budgeted amount of $1,427.00. William seconded and the motion passed. We will work with Bill Grinnell from Fremont Township on this endeavor.
Summerfest-Colleen Hodges reported that plans are underway for the 72nd Summerfest to be held on Saturday, August 4th at Beach Park. She will arrange for all the rentals and food. Dan will assist with the event and Tracy has volunteered to find some children’s entertainment. We will need help with set up on the day of the event beginning at 8:00am. A flyer will go out to residents detailing the day’s activities.
There being no further business before the Board, Dan made a motion to adjourn. William seconded and the motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:08pm.