Minutes of the Oak Terrace Home Improvement Association Board-June 7, 2017
Board members present: Alfonso Contreras, Jim Loring, Greg Denny, Colleen Hodges, Tracy Kleinschmidt, William Yarbrough, Kevin Shifley, Jeff Keske, Ken Hohs, and Ramona Triebold.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Greg Denny.
Ken Hohs made a motion to approve the minutes of the May meeting. Jim Loring seconded and the motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report-William reported a total of $39,874.99 in all accounts with another $29,276.37 in accounts receivable. Collection efforts during the month of May have netted $2,100 in repayment. Three property owners entered into a repayment agreement, other properties are being pursued by our attorney. A home on Route 83 that was in foreclosure did pay what was owed to the subdivision. In answer to a member question, William broke down the status of our reserve funds. We currently have approximately $18,000 in our reserve fund with the majority of the fund, $16,932.10, earmarked for specific purposes including maintenance of the boat ramp and seawall, and community pier repayment and upkeep. There is a total of $1064.86 in reserve that is not marked for any specific purpose.
William shared that the cost of the phone at Beach Park has risen again and suggested we pursue the possibility of a cellular phone there for emergency purposes. Greg will look into this further. He also reported that he tried to prepay Commonwealth Edison to avoid any further issues with payment and that the company does not allow this practice.
Kevin Shifley made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Alfonso Contreras seconded and the motion passed.
Lake Issues-Tracy reported that the lake would be treated for invasive plant species on Thursday, June 8th. The treatment will take about five hours to apply and the water will be safe for swimming immediately afterward. The company doing the work has requested no boating for at 24 hours to allow the application time to work before being stirred up by boats. The water will not be safe for irrigation for 21 days after the application. Tracy also shared that there have been good reports of fishing this year on the lake and the lake water has been clear.
Restoration Areas-Jim reported that there has been no change in the status of these areas since our last meeting.
Legal Issues-The problem with the property on Oak Shores encroaching onto the Lakeview Park property was discussed. The home may be going into foreclosure and we will need to act quickly to make sure the situation is rectified. Greg will contact our attorney for advice on how to proceed to make sure this issue to properly addressed before the home forecloses.
Summerfest-Colleen reported that all rentals have been reserved. To date, we do not have a contract with someone to supply the food for the event, but she is working on it. She will also look into some child friendly entertainment for the event and report to the Board at the July meeting. We will need volunteers on the day of the event for set up, clean up, and grilling.
There being no further business before the Board, Ken Hohs made a motion to adjourn. Ramona Triebold seconded and the motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:41pm.
Respectfully submitted by Colleen Hodges, OTIA Board Secretary