Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association-April 5, 2017
Board Members present: Jim Loring, Greg Denny, William Yarbrough, Ken Hohs, Jeff Keske, Colleen Hodges, Kevin Shifley, Ramona Tribold, Alfonso Contreras.
The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by President Greg Denny.
William Yarbrough made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Jim Loring seconded and the minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s Report-William reported a balance of $37,840.44 in all accounts. Currently, there is a balance of $33,800.53 outstanding. He has requested a current statement of accounts from Canty. There are approximately 20 PINs owing about $22,000 and approximately 10 PINs accounting for another $10,000 of the outstanding balance owed. Letters will go out to these homeowners when William receives this current statement from Canty and the process of collection will begin. Kevin Shifley made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and Ken Hohs seconded. The motion passed.
There was some discussion on the cost of the landline at the beach. The cost has risen dramatically. We will investigate to see if it is still legally necessary to maintain this line.
Parks-Jeff Keske reported that landscaping maintenance begins around May 1st. We have contracted with David Garcia for these services. The price will remain the same as last year. Dave was asked to sent our bills through the US mail to our P.O. Box. Jeff also noted that we have some fence posts that need replacing.
Lake Issues-Greg Denny reported on the grant awarded to DLPA for lake preservation work. He shared a timeline of events on which the group will work. Included in these projects are a handbook to be distributed to shareholders with information on care for the lake and more rain gardens.
Restoration Areas-Jim Loring reported that no action has been taken this month on the restoration areas.
Legal-As reported in last month’s minutes, as issue arose with a property owner using his empty lot to store waste from another project he is building. He was forced to remove this waste and is ordered to return the site to its original grade.
Summerfest-There was some discussion on the future of the Summerfest. It is scheduled for Saturday, August 5th. We will be looking into the possibility of roasting a pig for this event. Further discussion will take place at our May meeting.
A sign for the triangle area at the corner of Lakeview, Hickory, and Elmwood was discussed. A simple A-frame sign which can be placed and removed with information about events such as Summerfest and the Easter Parade would make getting the word out easier. No decision was made on this matter.
It was brought to our attention that there is a large depression under the gate at Beach Park. It fills with water and is not functional. Kevin will look into the possibility of adding pavers in that area to avoid this issue.
There being no further business before the Board, William make a motion to adjourn. Jim seconded and the meeting adjourned at 7:58pm.