Minutes from the Oak Terrace Improvement Association Board Meeting-February 1, 2017
The meeting began with public comments from the floor.
Ralph Dillon, a resident of West Shoreland, spoke to the Board concerning the Route 53 extension and the changes to zoning for the gas station and surrounding property at the corner of Route 60/83 and Midlothian Road. He shared that he was successful in stopping the truck stop expansion that had been planned for that corner and some of the issues related to this project. He discussed the noise pollution that would follow the Route 53 extension and the inevitable drainage into Diamond Lake that would result from the building of this road. He suggested we stay vigilant in order to preserve the surrounding areas. Mr. Dillon shared his email address for anyone having questions about the possibility of a land use change at that corner or the Route 53 expansion. His email address is [email protected].
The meeting was called to order at 7:20pm by President Greg Denny.
Board members present: Dan Griffin, Jim Loring, Greg Denny, Colleen Hodges, Jeff Keske, Alfonso Contraras, Kevin Shifley, William Yarbrough, and Tracy Kleinschimdt.
Reading of the minutes was waived and a motion to accept was made by Jim Loring and seconded by Dan Griffin. The motion passed and the minutes were accepted.
Treasurer’s Report- William reported there was a balance of $21,092.24 in all accounts as of December 2016. A total of $21,477.73 is currently outstanding from the membership. Dues notices have been sent out. Seventy-two percent of the membership paid their dues in 2016 and past dues were collected from 9 delinquent owners which totaled approximately $15,239. William reported that he has been going through the books and spoke with our accounting firm, Canty and Associates, about the possibility of an audit of our finances. Canty would be able to provide this service, if requested, and give us an overall view of our financial status. They suggested to go back one year. The cost would be between $2,000-$3,000. Their advice was to pursue an audit if we have any questions. The process takes about 6 weeks and they would not be able to begin until late spring. No final decision was made on this issue.
William has canceled any automatic payments that were set up on the OTIA’s behalf in order to have a more hands on approach to our finances. All billing will need to come through our mailbox at Mundelein Post Office and no billing will be accepted by email. At present, our account in Barrington is for our budgetary operating expenses and the account at Consumer’s Cooperative Credit Union holds our discretionary funds. The money budgeted for “reserve” will be kept in a savings account at Consumer’s in Mundelein.
Summerfest- A question by a member had been brought to our attorneys for clarification as to whether or not it is within the right of the Board to fund the Summerfest with OTIA money. The attorneys determined that it is an expense that is allowable under our by-laws.
Lake Management- Tracy reported that the Diamond Lake Preservation Alliance, along with Tori Trauscht, the MPRD, the Village of Mundelein, and Fremont Township, received a grant to continue the installation of rain gardens around Diamond Lake and work to preserve the shoreline. These gardens are crucial for protecting the health of the lake by diverting runoff of contaminants to the lake and stabilizing the shoreline. The grant money will also be used to produce educational materials to distribute to residents to help them make appropriate choices to protect the health of the lake. Three requests for proposals have been sent out for a three year plan for the treatment of invasive species in Diamond Lake. Tracy will keep us up-to-date as the process continues.
A question arose about liability if someone falls through the ice on OTIA lake property. Our attorneys advised that we post signs near lake entrances that state any use of the lake is at the individual’s own risk and that we would not be responsible for any injuries incurred. We made no final determination on this issue.
Restoration Areas- Jim reported that currently there are no updates on these areas.
Kevin Shifley shared that he has access to a large 60-70 inch screen that could be used for showing movies at Summerfest or other events in Oak Terrace.
There being no further business, William Yarbrough made a motion to adjourn. Tracy Kleinschmidt seconded and the meeting adjourned at 7:57pm.
Respectfully submitted- Colleen Hodges
OTIA Board Secretary