Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association-October 5, 2016
Board members present: Greg Denny, William Yarbrough, Jim Loring, Ken Hohs, Tracy Kleinschmidt,
Kevin Shifley, Alfonso Contreras, and Colleen Hodges. Members at large present: Richard Reick.
The meeting was called to order at 7:10pm by President Greg Denny.
Ken Hohs made a motion to accept the minutes of the September meeting as recorded. It was seconded
by Jim Loring. The motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report-None was available. There was some discussion about what needed to happen in
order to receive monthly reports from Canty. Greg will set up a meeting with them to work out the
Lake Issues-Tracy Kleinschmidt reported at the last meeting for the year of the Diamond Lake
Preservation Alliance, the group reviewed their objectives for 2016 and discussed their successes and
plans for the future. They will be applying for approximately $45,000 in grant money to continue the
rain garden projects around the lake. The rain gardens purify the run-off water before it enters the lake.
This, along with other projects, will help stabilize the shoreline. The organization is working with
MPRD, West Shore Park, and Fremont Township, also. They are working to develop a Lake
Stewardship Guide for homeowners to educate those stakeholders about ways to keep the lake healthy.
Restoration Areas-Jim Loring met with ILM at Lakeview Park to discuss some areas missed for
treatment this year. Several of the areas will be targeted for treatment for woody invasive plants this
month, including Lakeview, Hansen, and the channel rain garden. They did observe good growth in all
these areas and will seed again in the spring. Lake plant harvesting and dumping in Lakeview Park has
become an issue. A letter will be sent to the residents about proper disposal of the plant material after
In preparation for the Annual General Meeting in October, the 2017 budget must be prepared. Greg
will put it together and send it via email to all Board members for approval before presenting to the
members for voting. Several board members’ terms are expiring this year. They will be contacted for
intent to run again. The ballot, budget, and letter for the general meeting will be mailed to members
this month.
New Business-Ken Hohs brought up the subject of leaf removal for the subdivision. He did some
research for cost and logistics for this service from three different companies: Groot, Lakes, and Waste
Management. Groot would provide the service if all of our members used them for their provider. The
cost would be approximately $55 per homeowner for six weeks of leaf removal from mid-October to
the end of November. He suggested that a $60 increase in our annual dues would cover this cost and be
an asset to residents. Greg will contact our law firm to confirm that we have the legal right to negotiate
for services from a single provider for all members. Pending this clarification, we will add the dues
increase to our budget for this service and present this for vote at our annual meeting.
There being no further business before the Board, Tracy Kleinschmidt made a motion to adjourn.
William Yarbrough seconded and the meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.
Respectfully submitted-Colleen Hodges OTIA Secretary