Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association Board Meeting-September 7, 2016
Board members present-Jeff Keske, Kevin Shifley, Jim Loring, Ken Hohs, Colleen Hodges, Kristin Snyder, Ramona Triebold, and Tracy Kleinschmidt.
There were no members at large present.
The meeting was called to order at 7:02pm by Vice President, Jeff Keske.
Minutes-Ken made a motion to accept the minutes with one correction. Jim seconded the motion and it passed.
Treasurer’s Report-Ramona shared how the relationship with Canty works. She must check and approve all invoices, code them for accounting, and send them to Canty. Upon receipt, Canty cuts checks and sends them back to Ramona for mailing to their recipients. This process has caused some delay in the payment of our debts. Ramona will try to set up a meeting between herself, Greg, and a representative from Canty to try to iron out issues with this process. Ramona reported a total of $28,255.15 in all accounts at present.
Lake Issues-Tracy shared information about the installation of the rain garden at Hickory and Lakeview. There are 12 different varieties of plants in the garden. Several volunteers worked on the installation. The garden, as it matures, will help slow the flow of unwanted nutrients into the lake. The money for this project will be deducted from the Indian Creek Watershed Grant received by OTIA. The cost was about $650. The Diamond Lake Preservation Alliance is in the process of applying for more grant money to continue its work of installing rain gardens in areas targeted around the lake for this treatment. She also shared that DLPA will be receiving an award for their work in protecting the health of Diamond Lake.
Restoration Areas-Jim shared ILM’s report on the restoration areas. At Hansen Park, there is a need to manage an influx of woody invasive plants. Lakeview Park will have an area treated that was left untreated during ILM’s last visit. There was some discussion about the property at the corner of Oak Shores and Lakeview known as Lot 42. There is a possibility that some of the homeowner’s deck and landscaping are encroaching onto OTIA property. More investigation is needed before proceeding with this issue.
Summerfest-Colleen reported that Summerfest was a success and all bills are paid for the event. The cost of the celebration was higher than budgeted at about $2,800. This needs to be taken into consideration during the budget meeting in October.
Legal-No report.
Parks-Jeff met with Dave Garcia and toured the parks. He mentioned that some tree trimming, weeding, and clean up needs to take place at Hansen Park. We will look into the possibility of joining these processes with other necessary maintenance. He will also check the expenditures for the year to see if there is money left in the budget to take care of this. The Board felt if there was money in the budget for park maintenance, it should be dealt with this fall. Thanks to Ken and Rich Rieck for repairing the lock on the gate at Beach Park.
New Business-Ken would like to pursue the possibility of leaf pickup for the subdivision. He will ask William for the information he had previously gathered about the process and costs.
Ken also brought up a need for communication with the entire Board via email. He asked that all Board members be included on emails sent regarding OTIA matters. Greg Denny will be contacted regarding implementing this procedure.
There being no other business before the Board, Ken made a motion to adjourn. Kevin seconded and the meeting adjourned at 8:08pm.
Respectfully submitted-Colleen Hodges OTIA Secretary