Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association Board Meeting August 3, 2016.
Members present: Greg Denny, William Yarbrough , Jim Loring, Colleen Hodges, Ken Hohs, Alfonso Contreras, and Jeff Keske.
Members at large present: Don Ferris.
Minutes-Jim Loring made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes, William seconded. The motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report-Greg explained our association with Canty. No treasurer’s report was available for this meeting.
Lake-Greg shared that a new company had been contracted by MPRD for the harvesting of lake plants. Tracy, Greg, and Margaret toured the lake to determine specific areas to target for harvesting.
Restoration Areas-At present, Jim reported that there are no new developments with the restoration areas. He added there may be a need for treating woody invasives and he will get a price for this treatment. Bill Grinnell will be contacted for the possibility of help with installing a rain garden at the identified area of Oak and Lakeview. Tori Trauscht will be contacted for support.
Summerfest-Colleen reported all plans are in place and ready to go. Help will be needed for set up and clean up.
Legal-Greg shared the news of the theft of 3 buoys from our property. He contacted the Lake County Sheriff and reported the crime. Two of the buoys have been found at the public beach. The placement of the buoys was discussed. It will be brought up at the Diamond Lake Preservation Alliance meeting for discussion. Further discussion on this matter has been tabled for this meeting and may be revisited in the future.
There was no new business before the Board. Alfonso made a motion to adjourn. Jim seconded and the motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:37pm. Respectfully submitted by Colleen Hodges-OTIA Treasuer