Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association-April 6, 2016


Board Members present-Jim Loring, Colleen Hodges, Jeff Keske, William Yarbrough, Krissy Snyder, Greg Denny, Tracy Kleinschmidt, Kevin Shifley, Ramona Triebold, Al Johnsonbaugh.


Members at Large present-Alphonso Contreras


Meeting called to order at 7:01 by President Greg Denny


Minutes-William Yarbrough made a motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes.


Jim Loring seconded and the motion passed.


Treasurer’s Report-Greg Denny reported we are in the process of turning of the necessary accounts and information to Canty and Associates to complete their taking over as our accounting firm. Dues notices have been sent out. He reported at we are pursuing liens on the three properties on Elmwood that are pending sale. These properties owe for several years of unpaid dues and charges. The question of who pays for the reattaching of PINs to each filed at the county if a resident combines PINs at this point. Greg will consult the attorney. Most OTIA will be kept in an account that can be accessed by Canty for the payment of our expenses. A small amount will be left in the Consumers Credit Union account for us as petty cash by the Board.


Parks-Al Johnsonbaugh shared some concern about the removal of bushes on the property line at Beach Park. The resident of the adjoining property does not want all the plants removed. We will have the property lines determined by the plat of survey or a surveyor if necessary, and a decision will be made as to whether we are able to leave some of the hedges for the homeowner of if they all must be removed for the fence installation. JULIE will be notified to come and stake out utility lines before installation begins. Al brought up the contract renewal for DG Hardscapes for the maintenance of the parks. Ramona Triebold made a motion to accept this contract. It was seconded by Krissy Snyder and the Board approved the renewal of this contract.


Park Clean Up Day-Saturday, April 30th. Meet at Hansen Park at 9:00am.


Lake Issues-Tracy Kleinschmidt presented an information power point to continue in an effort to educate stakeholders of the importance of doing all we can to preserve the lake’s health. She shared the vision of the Diamond Lake Preservation Alliance and efforts they are making to maintain and improve water quality. She spoke of several events happening to this end. The lake will be tested and sprayed for invasive species, perhaps as soon as Memorial Day weekend. A communication will be sent to residents when we have an exact date. Notice will also be posted at the parks. MPRD will host its first carp derby, a fun event that will help remove these fish from the lake. Tracy expressed the huge benefit of rain gardens in keeping unwanted nutrients and debris for entering the lake. She is in contact with an expert in this field and may be able to set up some educational sessions. All residents are encouraged to learn about these important additions to our ecosystem. It was noted that Lake County Forest Preserve will be hosting a Native Plant Sale on Saturday, May 7th between 9am and 3pm at Independence Grove Forest Preserve in Libertyville. More information on the sale is on the LCFP website. Those interested in the work of Diamond Lake Preservation Alliance are encouraged to attend their meetings on the third Monday of the month, March through April, at 7:00pm, at Countryside Fire Station Number 1.


The Board is currently seeking members who may be interested in taking over a vacated Board position through November 2018. Any current member in good standing is eligible.


There being no further business before the Board, Ramona made a motion to adjourn. Jim Loring


seconded and the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned to Executive Session at 7:59pm.


Respectfully submitted-

Colleen Hodges-OTIA Secretary