Minutes of the meeting of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association-March 2, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Greg Denny at 7:00pm.
Board members present: Kevin Shifley, William Yarbrough, Greg Denny, Colleen Hodges, Jeff Keske, Tracy Kleinschmidt, Jim Loring, and Krissy Snyder.
No members at large attended this meeting.
There was no treasurer’s report available for this meeting. Greg reported our balance stands at approximately $25,000.
There were no minutes from the February meeting as we did not reach a quorum.
Greg reported that Dan Griffin had resigned from the Board.
Greg presented detailed bids from four accounting firms for the operational overseeing of our accounts. William made a motion to accept the bid from Canty Accounting. Kevin Shifley seconded and the motion passed. Greg will contact Canty tomorrow. Dues notices will be mailed to residents by the end of March.
Lake Issues-Tracy reported that a plan is in place with Mundelein Park and Recreation District for this year’s treatment of the lake. They will use improved chemicals that will treat the Eurasian milfoil hybrid and treatment will come closer to piers on the lake this year. The MPRD will host a carp fishing derby. They purchased a harvester that will also be implemented this season. A plan was also developed to improve communication about the lake. The work will be done when weather conditions are optimal for success. The Diamond Lake Preservation Alliance will be hosting the first meeting of the year on Monday, March 21, 2016 from 7:00 to 8:00pm at Countryside Fire Station Number 1. All are welcome.
Parks-There was no new information to report. We are ready to go ahead with the removal of bushes.
Restoration Areas-Jim reported that there is a need for a cleanup at Hansen Park in the wetlands. We will set a date for a May cleanup at the April meeting.
Legal-Liens were placed against the three lots for sale on Elmwood. A thirty day notice letter was sent to a property that is significantly in arrears.
William shared his findings on the possibility of contracting a trash company to do a leaf pickup in our
subdivision. The only company willing to work with us is Groot. We need to provide more information to get a quote from them.>
Website- Julie Dickey was hired to manage our website.
Newsletter- Krissy will continue to handle The Acorn.
New business-Colleen will coordinate the Easter Parade and Egg Hunt scheduled for Saturday. March 26th. The parade will begin at Hansen Park at 10am and the hunt will take place at Lakeview Park providing it is not too wet. Colleen will distribute a flyer with information the week before the event date.
There being no further business, Krissy Snyder made a motion to adjourn the meeting. JIm Loring seconded and the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:46pm.
Respectfully submitted-
Colleen Hodges, OTIA Secretary