Minutes for the Oak Terrace Improvement Association Board meeting – August 5, 2015.
The meeting was called to order by President Greg Denny at 7:05pm.
Board members present
: Greg Denny, Dan Griffin, Al Johnsonbaugh, Jeff Keske, Tracy Kleinschmidt, James Loring, Krissy Snyder, Kevin Shifley, Ramona Triebold and William Yarbrough.
Members at large present
: Donald Ferris Minutes
: William made a motion to dispense with reading of the minutes and accept them as distributed, Krissy seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Treasure Report
: Dan reported a total of $27,831.30 in all accounts at the time.
Dan pointed out that he had paid 4 months ($600) to our legal advisor at once as he was awaiting the rate reduction to $150 per month.
Website fee in the amount of $150 was to train Krissy on how to update website
Kevin made a motion to accept Treasurers Report, Krissy 2nd the motion and the motion passed.
Lake Issues:
Margaret is 2 months behind in presenting the lake management plan due to not receiving this information from the hired company.
The meetings have been well attended, but appears that public is dissatisfied with results and communication thus far.
Everyone has been encouraged to continue to attend the meetings and a reminder that the Lake Improvement meetings are the 3rd Monday of every month.
Regarding the community boat dock, the American pond weed is a good week and hoping that it will apread once the coontail is gone.
It was noted that the beach was closed earlier in the month due to the results of the weekly water testing returned results of a higher than allowed feces content in the water. I was requested that when signs are posted at the beach of closings, that the date be mentioned just in case there is a delay in removing the signage.
: David has not yet lowered sign at park.
Receptacles for weeds removed from the lake have been placed at Lakeview Park at the corner by the Oak Shores piers and at Beach Park. There is a plan to place a “no yard waste” sign at Lakeview Park on stakes by the Cottonwood to deter/eliminate dumping of leaves, etc. there. A quote was received by Mike Myer & Sons of $5200 to run fence from the front of Beach park all the way to the water’s edge. This task would also require bushes to be removed so an addition request for their removal needs to be obtained. It was noted that this will in turn reduce maintenance costs due to the trimming of the bushes.
The neighboring property owners will be notified of the intention of removing the bushes per their request to ensure they are in agreement as they are partially on park property and partially on their property.
Pier Policy
: The Boat Rental Slip Form was reviewed. It was decided to combine the “Joint Tennancy” and “With Survivorship” to be on the same line and to eliminate the line for additional owners. Once these changes are made board was in agreement to post this is the official form.
Legal Issues
: Greg shared status of delinquencies and legal action currently in place against Oak Terrace properties. Some of the properties were in such great arrears and lawyers are finally making progress. Greg wanted to stress that all legal action has been based on advisement from the law firm on retainer and not by any board members.
: Julie Hickey met and trained Krissy on Oak Terrace website. Krissy is still having problems uploading images. The most recent Acorn went out electronically to 114 email addresses and 4 of them bounced back.
:Joint Services for the Oak Terrace Community
: It was discussed about the prospect of getting a group rate for services ie
garbage pickup through Groot for all residents. Questions that arose:
1) How do we get all residences on board with switching
2) Each residence may have different services
3) By doing this it could present money savings and fewer trucks on our small streets
4) Should this be added to the October ballot for a vote?
5) Does Groot offer vacuuming of leaves and how much would this cost? (will be looked into by Kevin) Summerfest
: Dina was present at the meeting and confirmed that everything needed for Summerfest has been ordered. Oak Terrace will be receiving a 10% discount from Taylor Rental. Was asked that they caterer be reminded to use foil in the grills for ease of cleanup in order to receive $50 deposit.
Food will be catered by Como Catering. Many fun activities are planned including a watermelon eating contest. Was requested that Colleen contact the Fire department to fill up dunk tank.
Was also asked if secretary, Colleen, could begin recruiting board members for the October ballot.
There being no further business before the board, a motion was make by Jim Loring to adjourn. It was seconded by Kevin Shifley and the meeting adjourned at 8:20pm