The May 3rd, 2023 OTIA meeting was held at the Countryside Fire Station.
Board members present were: Ken Hohs, William Yarbrough, Ramona Triebold, Michael Denton, Kevin Shifley, Lisa Brickert, Rich Rieck, Jeff Kehr and Ron Butterman.
As there were no members at large in attendance no introductions were needed.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by President, Ken Hohs.
A motion to both wave the reading of and approve the March 1, 2023 meeting minutes was made by Lisa Brickert and seconded by Jeff Kehr. The motion passed.
William Yarbrough delivered the Treasurer’s report. As of March 31st, 2023 OTIA had Operating Funds of $21,243.05, Cash in Reserves of $42,757.62 and Outstanding Accounts Receivable of $24,261.62. Total Assets equaled $88,262.26.
Accounts Receivable balance consists of:
$6,323.50 legal fees to be reimbursed (primarily 3 homeowners)
$5,700.84 past assessments due
$12,237.28 2023 assessments due
A motion was made by Ramona Triebold to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and seconded by Ron Butterman. The motion passed.
The date for residents to swap out and pay for new boat ramp keys will be Saturday, May 6th. President, Ken Hohs, will be at the Beach Park from 10am to noon take care of this in addition to accepting payment for boat slips. 2022 ramp keys will still work until the lock is changed over on Friday, May 5th.
The lock for the double-gate entering Beach Park will also be changed to accommodate landscaper entry.
Mundelein Park District will coordinate treatment of weeds in Diamond Lake this spring. Company to perform testing and treatments is Solitude Lake, which absorbed prior vender Clarke, so they have access to all historical data. Survey should be completed in next few days and will be communicated to OTIA President, Ken Hohs, as far as suggested treatment and dates. Pricing for treatments are: $3,790 for 1 treatment and $7,800 for 2 treatments. A motion was made by Kevin Shifley to once again participate in 1 treatment this year and allocate those funds necessary. Motion was seconded by Michael Denton and passed.
Rich obtained several estimates on work needed at beach park: replacement of sand, removal of timbers and possible installation of new treated timbers. After discussion the board felt it would be better to have large boulders at the edge of the play area at water’s edge vs lumber. Rich will reach out to have estimates updated for removal of timbers, add river rock boulders and ensure the grade of sand being used is what the board intends for the play area. Rich made a motion to request funding of the project to not exceed $4,500, Kevin Shifley seconded the motion and it passed.
OTIA Summerfest will be Saturday, July 29th this year. Lisa Brickert volunteered to chair the event again this year with Ken Hohs, Rick Rieck and Ramona Triebold from the board volunteering to be on the committee. An email will go out with Lisa’s contact info requesting more volunteers from our residents
- Hansen Park has some broken railings surrounding the park. Rich will check to see how many are in need of repair or replacement.
- Lakeview Park – a request will go out to the company whose truck damaged a portion of the grass to request they repair and replace grass in damaged areas.
- Rich Rieck requested that if anyone notices any issues at the parks to please let him know.
- Thank you to resident Deb Fedro for running this year’s successful Easter Egg Hunt. Deb will be holding on to the Easter bunny costume and volunteered to again head the event next year.
- Trash cans at Lakeview Park have filled up over the winter. Discussion ensued as to how to get them emptied over the winter season, but as now our landscapers will be responsible for keeping them empty, options for the winter will be re-addressed in the fall.
There being no further business before the Board, William Yarbrough made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Jeff Kehr seconded the motion. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:01pm.
The next OTIA meeting will be the June 7th at 7:00 pm at the Beach Park (weather permitting), this will be officially announced as meeting date gets closer.
Respectfully submitted by Ramona Triebold, Secretary