The February 2, 2022 OTIA meeting was held via ZOOM.
Board members present were Ken Hohs, Nancy Krejsa, William Yarbrough, Ramona Triebold, Rich Rieck, James Harms, Michael Denton, Jeff Kehr, Lisa Brickert, Kevin Shifley and Steve Parker.
Members at Large on the Zoom meeting were: Josh Hogan, Adam Jakoubek and Lucy Shifley.
The virtual meeting was called to order at 7:01 p.m. by President, Ken Hohs.
A motion to both wave the reading of and approve the October 6, 2021 meeting minutes was made by James Harms and seconded by Steve Parker. The motion passed.
William Yarbrough delivered the Treasurer’s report. As of December 31, 2021 OTIA had $17,277.83 of Operating Funds, $35,540.44 of cash in Reserves and $8,337.25 of outstanding accounts receivable. Total assets equaling $61,155.52.
Details of funds in reserves are as follows:
Savings (contains budgeted reserves) $13,706.24
Checking Reserves: Boat Ramp: $10,737.65
Boat Slip $ 7,863.65
Water Shed Grant $ 1,021.20
Misc (i.e. selling of Fobs) $ 2,211.91
Discussion ensued regarding putting some of the funds into a higher interest bearing fund or CD. William will do some research to see what are the options.
A motion to accept was made by Ramona Triebold to accept the treasurer’s report as presented and seconded by Nancy Krejsa. The motion passed.
Discussion around replacing the Oak Terrace sign that was hit by a motorist. Ken has the actual sign, and would wait until ground gets softer to replace the wood pole. Alicia Dodd provided Ken with the information from the sheriff for police report in order to contact insurance, but after sending email he has still not received response and it has been 3 weeks. Rich Rieck and Michael Denton volunteered to assist in trying to obtain the information for reimbursement.
Next the board discussed safe snowmobile access to the frozen lake in the winter. Rather than leaving the doors to the Beach Park open all winter, it was decided that since they should be residents of Oak Terrace, a suggestion is to use their boat ramp key, lower the chain to have access to the lake, and then when finished, lock the chain back up.
Next there was questions raised regarding “NO Parking Signs” at Beach Park. Ken will check the signs to see if they are issued by a legal authority or if they were placed by prior OTIA board. This will then be discussed at the next meeting if they can/should be removed.
The issue of the garbage cans at Lakeview Park was again discussed. The current trash can at the park was turned upright and is full of “doggy” bags so is quite heavy. Steve Parker volunteered to slowing empty the can for garbage pick up, then when light enough it will be placed at the top of the hill and Steve Parker and Michael Denton will for the short term place the can out for pick up.
It has been asked that the agenda for the association meetings be created at least a week prior to the meeting and published on our website. This way our membership can see the upcoming topics, and if needed, can notify the board of additional topics that the feel need to be discussed.
Josh Hogan has maintained the email list from all of the FOB distribution so will work with Kevin Shifley to update the OTIA email lists for OTIA notifications.
The association was reminded that a no yard waste burning policy had been approved for unincorporated Fremont and goes into effect June 1, 2022. Kevin Shifley will send an email blast to the membership for notification of this change.
Question of whether or not there will be an Easter parade and egg hunt this year (which is typically the Saturday of Easter weekend) was asked. Kevin will send out an email blast to the association membership to see if there is any interest of taking on this event.
Topics to be discussed at the next meeting include:
- As it appeared to work well for the Oak Terrance membership to have a “pickup day” for Fobs and ramp keys, at date for this will be discussed at the next meeting.
- A date for spring cleanup will be discussed and determined.
There being no further business before the Board, William Yarbrough made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Steve Parker seconded the motion. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 7:58pm.
The next OTIA meeting will be April 6, 2022at 7:00 pm the venue to be determined.
Respectfully submitted by Ramona Triebold, Secretary