Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association- August 4, 2021

The August 4, 2021 OTIA meeting was held at the Beach Park.

Board members present: Ken Hohs, Nancy Krejsa, William Yarbrough, Ramona Triebold, Rich Rieck, James Harms, and Kevin Shifley (via video chat).

Thank you to the following Members at large: Josh Hogan, Lisa Brickert, and Louie Triebold.

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by President, Ken Hohs.

Meeting was then initiated with an introduction of the Board members that were present.

Meeting Minutes:  The reading of the June 2, 2021 meeting minutes was waived and a motion to approve the minutes was made by James Harms. Nancy Krejsa seconded the motion and the motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report:  William Yarbrough delivered the Treasurer’s report: As of June 30, 2021 OTIA had $34,554.34 of cash in Operating Funds, $26,214.72 of cash in Reserves and $16,859.11 in outstanding accounts receivable, leaving us with total assets of $77,628.17.  

William reported that receivables that for July the amount of receivables will be reduced by about half due to approximately $6,500 received through collection efforts, deposits for ramp keys, and beach FOBs.

Delinquent statements had been sent to members along with the last edition of the Acorn.  William has been working hard to cross-reference our OTIA mailing list with closings in the neighborhood, etc to ensure statements and newsletters are being received by our membership.

A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report as presented by Ramona Triebold.  Rich Rieck seconded the motion and the motion passed.

It was noted that one of the board members, Greg Denny, has sold his home and moved out of state.  Since board members must be homeowners in the Oak Terrace subdivision, this left a vacancy on the board.  A motion was submitted by Nancy Krejsa to fill this now empty position by Lisa Brickert who was on the ballet last year.  The motion was seconded by Rich Rieck and the motion passed.  WELCOME to Lisa who is now officially on the OTIA board.

William brought up the topic of the OTIA checking account at CCU that holds our reserve funds.  William made a motion to remove past board members Colleen Hodges and Greg Denny from the account and add current board members President, Ken Hohs and Vice President, Nancy Krejsa to the account.  The motion was seconded and approved. 

Summerfest 2021:  Summerfest was held as planned on Saturday, July 31st.  Based on a rough count, attendance was approximately 200, which was our best attended fest in at least 10 years.  A wrap up of expenses reflected $2,130 spent against a budget of $2,050.  Many notes were taken based on this year’s event with the event fresh on everyone’s mind, ie. How to accommodate larger number of participants.  Thank you to everyone who helped and attended.

Beach Park Topics:

  1. A resident noted that some of the trees at the park looked dead and may be in need of removal.  Upon inspection it was determined that all of the trees are currently healthy and no maintenance is required at this time. 
  2. It has been observed that smaller rocks have been found in the gate at the park, preventing the gate from closing properly thus causing a liability issue with safety at the beach park.  We are asking residents to please ensure gates are locked before and after entry to the park.
  3. Signage at the park:  Rich will reach out to Signs Now (our vendor for the signage in the subdivision) to have a sign created posted:  NO PARK but Golf Carts permitted.


With the OTIA annual meeting coming up in November, William noted that a budget meeting of the board will be scheduled in September to create the budget for the 2022 year.  Also, 5 board positions will be up for vote.  Current members occupying these are:

  1. Katie Eaman
  2. Alfonso Contreras
  3. James Harms
  4. Jeff Kehr
  5. Lisa Brickert (voted in to replace vacancy left mid-term by Greg Denny)

An email blast will go out to the residents for placement on the ballot.

The next addition of the Acorn will be distributed at the end of August to include:  notification all residents of recap of Summerfest and solicitation of board members for new year.

There being no further business before the Board, James Harms made a motion to adjourn. William Yarbrough seconded and the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:34pm.

Respectfully submitted by Ramona Triebold, OTIA SECRETARY

Next OTIA meeting will be October 6, 2021.

Reminder OTIA Annual meeting will be November 3, 2021.