Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association- June 2, 2021
The June OTIA meeting was held at the Beach Park.
Board members present: Ken Hohs, William Yarbrough, Ramona Triebold, Kevin Shifley, Rich Rieck, Jeff Kehr, James Harms and Alfonso Contreras. Thank you to the following Members at large: Josh Hogan and Lisa Brickert, David Gnadt, Paul and Denise Simmon, Steve Parker and Louie Triebold.
The meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m. by President, Ken Hohs. Meeting was then initiated with an introduction of the Board members that were present.
Public Comments:
- Question was presented regarding the exercise classes at the beach. As none had yet been scheduled, Kevin Shifley volunteered to reach out to Amanda to see when this was to start.
- Comments were brought up regarding unaccompanied underage children at the Beach Park. Ken Hohs will check with the Health Department as to the minimum age children can be unaccompanied. Kevin Shifley will then send an email out to all of the residents regarding this rule.
Meeting Minutes: The reading of the April 7, 2021 meeting minutes was waved and a motion to approve the minutes was made by William Yarbrough. Jeff Kehr seconded the motion and the motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: William Yarbrough delivered the Treasurer’s report: As of April 31st, 2021 OTIA had $34,168.03 of cash in Operating Funds, $25,758.23 of cash in Reserves and $19,559.61 in accounts receivable, leaving us with total assets of $79,485.87.
Also, our accountants, Cantey, have been notified of errors on owners and addresses and are working to clean up our mailing list. Motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report by Kevin Shifley. Ramona Triebold seconded the motion and the motion passed
Summerfest 2021: The Board has decided to go ahead and schedule OTIA Summerfest 2021 for Saturday, July 31st. A committee of volunteers was formed: Ken Hohs, Rich Rieck, Lisa Brickert, Nancy Krejsa and Ramona Triebold. Permission was given to the committee to use the budgeted funds in line with plans made by the committee.
Beach Park Garbage: It was mentioned that the landscapers usually put bags back into the trash cans but there can be a time delay from when the cans are emptied to when the bags are replaced. Ken will check with the landscaper to see if they do have bags, and see about getting some to Kevin Shifley so that there will always be one in the cans.
Swim Raft/Damaged Picnic Table: One of the picnic tables had been broken beyond repair. As we cannot prove how the damage occurred OTIA needs to responsibly get rid of it. Rich Rieck volunteered to take it apart and dispose of it. For the damaged raft, it appears to take on water from a large hole in it. Rich Rieck was able to located a used raft on Lake Delevan for $250. A proposal was made by Ramona Triebold allowing him $300 to spend for purchase of the raft and possible launch fee to put his jet ski in the water and retrieve the raft. The motion was seconded by James Harms and passed. Rich also received volunteers to assist with retrieving the raft as it was in the water and heavy. Those assisting are resident: Dave Gnadt, Kevin Shifley and Louie Triebold.
FOBs/Keys/Boat Slips: Ken had been contacted for beach FOBs and to date there had been 60+ issued to Oak Terrace residents. If a resident had not yet obtained a FOB (as the old ones will no longer work) they can the OTIA President, Ken Hohs, at [email protected] to schedule a time to get a new FOB. Launch keys “sold” to residents is at 38 leaving only 2 left for the 2021 season. For boat slips there are 3 currently open, Slots 1, 5 and 8 though one is in very shallow water so may not hold a boat.
Parks/Maintenance: It was mentioned that a rusty bracket from the clothesline had been broken off was attached to a log bordering the beach. Rich Rieck volunteered to remove it.
Acorn: Lisa Brickert will be creating the next issue of the Acorn in mid-June as to notify residents about upcoming Summerfest on Saturday, July 31st.
- There was discussion to reimburse Rich Rieck for the $15/month charge for Zoom that OTIA used when in-person meetings were not allowed. Discussion then ensued regarding using Google Meets for online meetings as it is believed there is no charge. Rich Rieck will look into this prospect.
- Just in case of inclement weather, and for our annual meeting, Ken Hohs will contact the Countryside Fire Department to reserve their conference room for all of the remaining meetings in 2021.
There being no further business before the Board, Kevin Shifley made a motion to adjourn. Rich Rieck seconded and the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:17pm.
Respectfully submitted by Ramona Triebold, OTIA SECRETARY
Next OTIA meeting will be August 4th at the Beach Park. Rain location will be Countryside Fire Station