Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association – February 3, 2021
Due to the restrictions of the Pandemic, please note this meeting was held via ZOOM.
Board members present: Ken Hohs, Nancy Krejsa, William Yarbrough, Ramona Triebold, Kevin Shifley, Rich Rieck. Greg Denny and Jeff Kehr.
Thank you to the following Members at large: Josh Hogan and Lisa Brickert. Curt Spilone and Henry Thompson.
After some technical difficulties, the meeting was called to order at 7:23 p.m. by President, Ken Hohs.
The reading of the October 7, 2020 meeting minutes was waved and a motion to approve the minutes was made by Nancy Krejsa. Rich Rieck seconded the motion and the motion passed.
William Yarbrough delivered the Treasurer’s report: As of the end of the year, OTIA had $21,955 of cash in Operating Funds, $22,800 of cash in Reserves and $39,596 in accounts receivable, leaving us with total assets of $84,351. Statements were mailed in October. A motion was presented by Ramona Triebold to approve the Treasurer’s report. Nancy Krejsa seconded the motion and the motion passed.
A discussion ensued regarding the number of association payments being received at the PO box in Mundelein vs being sent to our PO box at Cantey. Apparently, due to new software installed by our accountants, Cantey Associates, the remittance address is unclear as the return address is the Mundelein address. An email blast will be sent out to the residents to clarify that payments should be sent to Cantey Associates, P.O. Box 485, Arlington Hts, IL 60006-485.
Broken fences at Triangle Park have been fixed by Alonzo Landscaping. It was noted that fence at Lakeview Park was damaged by a snowplow so Freemont Township will be fixing the fence at no charge to residents.
Rich Rieck reported that the riprap project at Beach Park has been completed. In October is was approved by the US Army Corp of Engineers and was awaiting final Lake County approval. They were able to complete the work even with the lake frozen. Shorewerks will return in the spring to perform any touch up that is needed An additional yard of extra riprap may be needed. Rich will reach out to Shorewerks to see if a final inspection is required. OTIA paid 50% downpayment and if inspection is required, the remainder will be remitted upon approval.
Beach Park FOBs will be replaced April 20th. This means if residents currently have a FOB to the gated park, they will no longer work as of April 20th. Residents in good standing can contact the OTIA President, Ken Hohs, at [email protected] to schedule a time to get a new FOB. At this time residents will be required to sign a new “key FOB agreement” before given the new FOB. If you have a current FOB you can turn this in to Ken at this time as well. The new FOB is free to all OTIA residents in good standing, however, only the first one is free, residents will be charged a $25 fee for replacements.
Weather permitting OTIA will hold a Spring Cleanup on Saturday, April 24th. At that time new FOBs will also be available for pick-up at the Beach Park.. Hours will be announced as the date gets closer. Boat Ramp keys can also be exchanged on this date for a fee of $25. If you cannot make it this date, you can contact Ken Hohs also for ramp keys at [email protected].
It was noted that the dead tree at Lakeview Park was removed but the stump still remains. The company that performed the removal will be contacted to see when the stump will be ground down.
Katie Eaman notified the Board that she would need to relinquish the task of creating the quarterly OTIA Acorn Newsletter. It was noted that she has done an amazing job and we thank her for all her hard work. Lisa Brickert volunteered to take over the creation and publication of the Acorn starting with the next edition which will go out the end of March. To contact Lisa with ideas or requests her email is: [email protected]
It was discussed that several OTIA members had received emails from [email protected] keeping residents up to date regarding plans regarding improvements/additions on lakefront property now owned by Mundelein. There are also several posts on Facebook. Residents are encouraged to follow OTIA facebook posts to keep up with decisions made regarding Diamond Lake.
As there is still uncertainly if OTIA will be allowed to meet together, President, Ken Hohs, will contact Countryside Fire Department to see the rules, and if open for meetings will reserve for our next meeting.
There being no further business before the Board, Kevin Shifley made a motion to adjourn. Greg Denny seconded and the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 pm.
The board’s next meeting will be held on April 7,2021, location TBD.
Respectfully submitted by Ramona Triebold, OTIA SECRETARY