Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association – June 3, 2020

Board members present: Ken Hohs, Nancy Krejsa, William Yarbrough, Ramona Triebold, Kevin Shifley, Katie Eaman, Greg Denny, Rich Rieck and Jeff Kehr.

Thank you to the following Members at large: Jill Reese, Lisa Brickea, Josh Hogan, Paul and Denise Simmon, Laura Shifley, Kathy Komin, Ron Komin, Jonna and Dean Boggess.

The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by President, Ken Hohs.
The reading of February 5, 2020 meeting minutes were waved. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Kevin Shifley, Rich Rieck seconded the motion and the motion passed.

William Yarbrough delivered the Treasurer’s report: As of May 31st, we have $28,850.03 in Operating Funds, $32,455.70 in cash and $19,974.22 in accounts receivable, leaving us with total assets of $81,279.95. William stated that due to the Covid future collections of dues were on hold. Motion to approve the Treasurer’ Report was made by Ramona Triebold, seconded by Jeff Kehr and passed.

The following actions/decisions by the board that were determined prior to this meeting are added to this month’s minutes:
1) Due to the State mandated actions surrounding the Covid Pandemic, the April 1st meeting was cancelled.
2) The Board had budgeted $545 to have a Porta Potty at the Beach Park for 4 months (Memorial Day to Labor Day). Due to additional cleaning requirements surrounding the Covid Pandemic, the price increased to $665. The board via email approved the additional cost of the Porta Potty and it has been delivered to the park.
3) Based on a plant survey conducted by Clarke (who was hired by the Lake County Health Department) treatment of the lake would be needed as there was higher level of invasive plant species in the lake than normal. The cost of the treatment will be $290 per acre and as Oak Terrace owns 9.65 acres the cost would be $2,800. The budget had been approved at $2,135 for General Maintenance, thus the board via email approved the additional $665 for the expense and thee funds would be used from the Reserve Fund.
NOTE: The lake is expected to be treated the week of June 8th but an email from [email protected] will be sent once the date has been provided.

Boat slips/Boat Launch Updates: Ken Hohs reported that thus far 30 keys for the OTIA Boat Launch have been distributed. 10 of the OTIA Boat Slips have been rented leaving 3 slips still open.

OTIA Summerfest which had been scheduled for July 11th has been cancelled due to the Pandemic. There was a proposal of instead having an Oktoberfest possibly in September but dependent on the Pandemic situation. If anyone would like to volunteer for such an event please contact the OTIA board via [email protected].

Beach FOBs: it was decided to postpone the re-programming and re-issuance of the beach FOBs until next year. Note if you are a resident in good standing and are in need of a FOB, please contact Ken Hohs.

Parks and Maintenance: Swim area buoys have been replaced with new buoys – a huge thank you to resident, David Gnadt. The swim raft has been put in place for the season – thank you to Ken Hohs and Rich Rieck. There is currently a tree at Lakeview Park that has bark peeling so it will be looked at for possible removal.

1) A question was posed as to the algae in the lake and the frequency that the water is tested. Some of the algae in the lake is normal to the lake, whereas when there is blue algae this can be harmful. The OTIA Beach is tested by the Health Department which issues our beach permit. It is because of this that residents are reminded that pets are not allowed at the beach park. Discussion ensued regarding goose droppings on the swim raft and along the beach shoreline. Large amounts can cause high bacteria count and not only close the beach, but is not optimal for those who utilize the swim raft. Several remedies were discussed but it is difficult to keep the geese away without jeopardizing the safety of the children.
2) Concerns were raised on the following issues in the neighborhood and addressed to the Highway Commissioner:
a) Graffiti and offensive phrases and words on the bridge.
b) The north side of the boat launch is showing significant signs of erosion.
c) The yellow markings on the speed humps in the neighborhood are greatly faded making it difficult to identify.
3) The next edition of the Acorn is due to be distributed the end of June. OTIA is looking for a volunteer to be able to print our newsletter in color, 225 copies front and back.
A reminder to OTIA residents to get on the email list to receive timely updates for the community.

There being no further business before the Board, Kevin Shifley made a motion to adjourn. William Yarbrough seconded and the motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 7:59 pm.

NEXT MEETING WILL BE AUGUST 5, 2020 and weather permitting will once again be held at the Beach Park.

Respectfully submitted – Ramona Triebold, OTIA Secretary