Minutes of the Oak Terrace Improvement Association Board Meeting-June 3, 2015

The meeting was called to order by President Greg Denny at 6:38pm.

Board members present-Al Johnsonbaugh, Greg Denny, Jeff Keske, William Yarbrough, Jim Loring, and Colleen Hodges.

Members at large present-Donald Ferris.

We dispensed with the reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report-Dan was unable to attend this meeting. He will deliver the treasurer’s report at the July meeting.

Lake Issues-Hey and Associates, hired by MPRD, is putting together a lake management plan that will address invasive plant species and the general health of the lake. They tested for the Eurasian milfoil hybrid, which is resistant to current treatments. They did find this hybrid form of the plant in our lake concluding that our usual formula for treatment would be less effective than in the past. MPRD put the job out for bid, but the cost to treat the hybrid was coming back at about $20,000 to treat the lake. As this amount was not budgeted for this year, the treatment will be as specialized as possible. Integrated Lakes Management has won the bid and will handle the treatment of the lake this year. The need for notice to residents was mentioned again. We will need to revisit this as a budgetary item in the next fiscal year. Another concern with the lake is the tributaries that are feeding into it. There is a problem with the slough area behind the Irish Mill, possible dumping of landscape waste and other trash. The township has been notified.

Parks-Al reported that the trash cans he ordered have been installed at the parks. We will also be getting large baskets for the collecting and drying of lake plants harvested. Dave Garcia will be emptying the baskets as the plant material dries.

Restoration Areas-ILM will be handling these areas again this year.

Legal-Several properties are currently in the collection process.

Community Pier-There was discussion about whether we would get more members choosing to rent pier slips if the cost of the yearly rental was lowered from $300. We also discussed the need to form a committee to handle pier issues and work on the rules.

Summerfest-August 8th. A letter will go out with fest details and raffle tickets. Along with this mailing, we will include a request for email addresses to add to our databank. We will use email for The Acorn and dissemination of information.

There being no further business before the board, William made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Jim and the motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:24pm.

Respectfully submitted by Colleen Hodges-OTIA Secretary